A Grails
plugin that provides a progremmatic and administrative interface
for storing information in a Domain, which can be converted to and from a
This Plugin is designed for applications which wish to store external data in a Domain, and use that data within the application as a Map. Advantages of this over a Config block is that the data can be updated in production run-time and by administrative or non-technical hats.
The Plugin is very simple, and so it does not support arbitrary Map depth or Lists. In otherwords, it should be treated like a single-level Map.
All keys and values are Strings, so complex datatypes are not directly supported. JSON is supported in a limited fashion, as JSON uses simple Datatypes. When retrieving information, all values will be Strings. Future support for automatically converting the values is possible.
Add a dependency in BuildConfig.groovy:
compile 'smartionary:1.0'
Smartionary: /smartionary
SmartionaryEntry: /smartionaryEntry
or /smartionary/entries
import me.sudofu.smartionary.Smartionary
// 'sample' will be dynamically created if it does not exist already in
// Smartionary Domain.
'A sample smartionary.',
first: "This gets converted into a SmartionaryEntry."
second: 4, // Will be: "4"
third: new Date(1000), // Will be: new Date() as String
smartionaryDescriptions: [ // Special "reserved" key.
first: "Explanation of what happens.", // Matches above key.
fourth: "This key does not exist." // Ignored, no match.
Map smart = Smartionary.get('sample')
println smart.first // This gets converted into a SmartionaryEntry.
println smart.second // 4 (as String)
println smart.third // Wed Dec 31 18:00:01 CST 1969
println smart.fourth // null
// Update existing entries, and create additional ones.
third: new Date(2000),
fourth: new UUID(1000, 2000),
fifth: 'hi'
smart = Smartionary.get('sample')
println smart.third // Wed Dec 31 18:00:02 CST 1969
println smart.fourth // 00000000-0000-03e8-0000-0000000007d0 (as String)
println smart.fifth // hi
// Set a specific entry (can also be done with Map form).
Smartionary.set('sample', 'fourth', new UUID(2000, 3000), 'Adding an optional description')
// Delete an entry.
Smartionary.delete('sample', 'fifth')
// Or delete many...
Smartionary.delete('sample', 'first', 'second', 'third')
smart = Smartionary.get('sample')
println smart.fourth // 00000000-0000-07d0-0000-000000000bb8
println smart.fifth // null
// Purge all entries that are null, to clean up the Domain if necessary.
// Or, purge all the keys to repurpose the Domain.
// Create a Smartionary from JSON.
// Using anything other than a Map will result in an
// IllegalArgumentException.
// Also, nested Maps are currently not supported...
String json = '{"a": "apple", "b": "banana", "c":"carrot"}'
Smartionary.fromJson('sample', json, 'Created from JSON.')
// Convert Smartionary back to JSON.
json = Smartionary.getAsJson('sample')
println json // Nearly identical to the above.
// Make it pretty!
json = Smartionary.getAsJson('sample', true)
// Some Map-interface-like functions are included.
println Smartionary.size('sample') // 3, currently.
println Smartionary.contains('sample', "apple") // true
println Smartionary.containsKey('sample', "b") // true
println Smartionary.size('nonexistant') // -1, it does not exist.
println Smartionary.contains('sample', "Durian") // false
println Smartionary.containsKey('sample', 'd') // false
// Delete all the things.