MNIST Classification is a <software>
that allows <hand-written-images>
to get <classify>
MNIST dataset contain Hand-written images from categories 0 to 9, in 28 * 28 pixel. Fashion MNIST classification contains images of objects such as bags, shirts, sneakers, etc.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- To run this project you need to use Server( as this project has been developed locally). Add extention for respective browser.
For chrome
For Firefox
To use mnist classification, follow these steps:
<Run server>
open <mnist.html> in browser
To use Fashion mnist classification, follow these steps:
<Run server>
<go to fashion mnist folder>
open <main.html> in browser
After training of model it will automatically let you draw on canvas.
Any type of contribution is welcome.
If you want to contact me you can reach me at [email protected].