Minor version release
No breaking changes in this release!
New Components:
- Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.Inputs: Inputs components renders an Input, InputText, Textarea or InputTextarea, etc. element with maxlength set and counter to show remaining characters.
- Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.GdprConsent: GDPR Consent components injectable service and components that renders a customizable GDPR consent Banner or Popup witch Accept/Reject for cookie settings chosen value is persisted to Browser storage.
- Majorsoft.Blazor.Extensions.Analytics: Enables Analytics services usage for Blazor applications e.g. Google Analytics, etc.
- Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.Common.JsInterop:
- Bux fix in Scroll JS
- Added "smooth" scroll to Scroll JS
- Sticky scroll to page bottom/top components in Scroll JS
- Browser time simple: new Date();
- Browser color theme dark/light mode detection
- Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.Maps: bugfix in JS interop
- Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.PermaLink: simplify initialization of service with wrapped components
- Majorsoft.Blazor.Components.Loading: overlay opacity fixes
- More XML comments in Nuget packages
- Write more unit tests
- Updated Demo app and redesign
- Updated docs