released this
16 Mar 23:01
Google reCAPTCHA script was still loading even if no forms have it enabled.
Removed custom color from menu item for improved accessibility.
Take birthday field format into account when sending data to Newsletter.
Print Google reCAPTCHA script in footer.
Changed plugin name to NL4WP instead of Newsletter for WordPress.
Temporarily switch status of pending subscribers to "unsubscribe" versus deleting susbcriber before re-subscribing.
Deprecation notice for Gravity Forms version 2.4 and higher.
Filter out empty tags when applying tags to new subscribers.
Show all not installed integrations.
Show notice when form doesn't have a Newsletter list selected to subscribe people to.
Check function existence for compatibility with WordPress 4.7
Don't submit form when Google reCAPTCHA is enabled but errors.
Update third-party JavaScript dependencies.
Accept more truthy values in custom integration for improved compatibility with third-party forms.
Update JavaScript dependencies.
Load Google reCaptcha script in footer (if needed).
Add sign-up integration for Give
Add sign-up integration for UltimateMember
Write to debug log if Google reCAPTCHA secret key is incorrect.
Validate reCAPTCHA keys when savings form settings.
Allow setting an empty "successfully subscribed" message.
Updated and wrapper.php remote client libraries.
Fixed subscriptions tags handling (groups).
Improved remote client debugging.
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