Wacky Ride is a platform where riders meet and chat with each others. You can ask for help or share your experience. Our chatbot and advisors are also available to answer your questions or schedule an appointment directly in our stores.
Wacky Ride is hosted on Github Pages at https://maheryy.github.io/wacky-ride/
Run the app for the first time using the following command
$ make build start seed
### Without make ###
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.demo.yml up -d --build
$ docker compose exec server npm run seed:prod
Wacky Ride will then be available at http://localhost:8080
Log in with the following credentials
# As an admin
email: [email protected]
password: password
# As a regular user
email: [email protected]
password: password
Enjoy chatting and riding with Wacky Ride community !
Get the app ready using the following command
$ make dev
Start a postgres container with the provided docker-compose file
$ make start-db
Then you can start working on client or server separately
$ cd client
$ npm run dev
$ cd server
$ npm run dev
$ npm run seed
$ make build // Build the app in production mode
$ make start // Run the app in production mode
$ make stop // Stop the running app
$ make seed // Populate the database with random data
$ make dev // Get the app ready for development
$ make start-db // Start a postgres container
$ make stop-db // Stop the postgres container
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.