FamilyRootView is a Compose view component that takes a list of relatives containing references to their parents and automatically draws a family relationship diagram. This is the first version of the component.
- Automatic Diagram Generation: Automatically creates a visual representation of family relationships.
- Interactive: Allows for interactive elements such as clickable persons.
Add the following to your build.gradle
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.maestrovsmaster:FamilyRootView:1.0.0'
Define your Person data class:
data class Person(
override var id: String = "",
override var name: String = "",
override var mother: Person? = null,
override var father: Person? = null,
override var children: List<Person>? = null,
override var siblings: List<Person>? = null,
) : AbstractPerson<Person>(id, name, mother, father) {
override fun description() = name
Create your sample data:
val mockPerson = Person(
father = Person(id = "1"),
mother = Person(id = "2"),
val mockFather = Person(
val mockMother = Person(
father = Person(id = "3"),
mother = Person(id = "4"),
val mockGrannyMom1 = Person(
"Granny Mom",
val mockGrannyDad1 = Person(
"Granny Dad",
val listOfPersons = listOf(
mockFather, mockMother,
mockGrannyDad1, mockGrannyMom1
val peopleMap = listOfPersons.associateBy { ?: "null" }
val personId = "0"
Build the family tree and render the diagram:
val rootPerson = peopleMap[personId]
rootPerson?.let {
val binaryTree = buildBinaryTree(it, peopleMap)
FamilyRootCanvas(sizeDp, binaryTree) { person ->
Log.d("FamilyRootView", "ClickedPerson = $person")
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.