- DSL Idea/Write up/Server: Tyler
- Github/Pages/Default Set Up: Madi
- Converting to python/Additonal block features: Austin
- Creating graphs with pandas: Diego
- Create Blocks/Generating Code: Austin, Madi, Diego, Tyler
Motivation: Our project of incorporating Blockly and custom add-ons for data exploration and visualization in data science has the potential to make it more accessible to a wider audience. It can streamline the process of creating, experimenting with, and sharing data visualizations, ultimately enhancing decision-making across various domains, even outside of data science.
How to Use:
Access our blockly at through github pages
Manipulate Blocks
- Drag the "Dataframe" block to the right side
- Place the "Link to input data.." block inside of the Dataframe block
- Attach "Remove Null Values" block underneath that
- Attach desired plot block, for example, "x = ..." block underneath that, and choose desired options or leave the default
- Attach "theme" block, and chose
- Attach "Export Plot" underneath that
- Click "Generate Python"
- (If running locally) Click "Save Python"
Run locally OR in colab:
pip install pandas
pip install plotnine
pip install Flask
pip install flask_cors
To run the Flask server, cd into /src/server and run
If you just want the .py code that's generated, click Save Python and run the file from the directory it's saved to:
- python3
- The png will be downloaded in the same directory
- Copy generated python code
- Press play to run
- Image will show up in files tab in the notebook
- (Optional) type additional line: plt
- displays image below the code after running
How to add on & Future contributions:
- Our inital next steps were to add machine learning models to show how simple it is to build something as simple as a linear regression model. This is something we would like to add in the future.
- Another future contributions worth noting is configuring this application to be on different machines (server-side and client-side). Currently, the images are generated can only be saved on the same local machines. We intend to have it display on the client end.