Lucas Crea, Mehran Meidani, Younes Boubekeur
Abstract: Aerodynamic wings help modern performance vehicles meet expectations in terms of performance and energy efficiency. These wings rely on the physical forces of drag and downforce to have the effect of increasing or decreasing the vehicle’s perceived weight, which allows for faster acceleration and deceleration. In this study, we propose a system which includes aerodynamic wings that can be moved by the car's electronic controller in order to achieve even better performance. To ensure vehicle safety at all speeds, a diagnostics module continuously monitors the system state to detect critical faults. In the event of a critical fault, the system enters into a safe state. Our proposed system can help performance car manufacturers achieve better efficiency without compromising safety.
The main model is in the Active_Aero_System.slx
file. All models require Simulink R2019b or higher.
The autogenerated C++ code is in the Active_Aero_System_grt_rtw/