An Distributed Hackthon Application.
Having fun with that...
To run this project, you need "mysql" with a database named "test", javac compiler and python/django. you may run it as normal django project, or import into PyCharm and run.
Before running it: please run "python syncdb" to synchronize database.
After running it: please first request "" to update the question. Otherwise, you may get a "not yet ready" page when you click on online judge page. Problems are stored in ~/problems/{{id}}/ with test code, start code, result and its description. Online Judge scripts are stored in ~/oj/ repo.
For Mac user, you should first install gtimeout, use "brew install coreutils"
NTP service is required for the server. user "apt-get install ntp ntpdate ntp-doc" under ubuntu, similar cmd should be used on MAC.