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A simple Ruby gem for sending data to the Pipewise API


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pipewise.rb: Send user data to Pipewise from Ruby

pipewise.rb allows you to send user and event data to Pipewise via HTTP. You can use this gem to track user properties and lifecycle events.


$ gem install pipewise.rb


You must have a Pipewise account and an API key to use this gem. You can find your API key by logging into


To send data to Pipewise, you must first initialize the Pipewise module with your API key:

# This could go in an initializer file
Pipewise.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = '04c66b8488569745e83c56b4c2774fcc6556add4'

By default, all communication with occurs via HTTPS. If you prefer to use HTTP, set protocol = 'http:' in the initializer:

Pipewise.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = '04c66b8488569745e83c56b4c2774fcc6556add4'
  config.protocol = 'http:'

With this object, you can send user or event details to Pipewise.

Note on HTTPS: When using HTTPS, you may see errors when attempting to verify the SSL certificate if Ruby cannot find a root certificate to trust. If this happens, you can set the ca_file or ca_path in the Pipewise.configure block. For example, the following works on Mac OS X if you have the curl-ca-bundle installed:

config.ca_file = '/opt/local/share/curl/curl-ca-bundle.crt'

Tracking Users

The track_user method will create a new user or update an existing one. The method requires the user's email address, and also takes an optional hash of custom and standard user properties. If you want to specify the time you first encountered this customer, set :created to a valid Time instance. If omitted, it will be set to the current time by the Pipewise server. This only needs to be set when tracking a user for the first time. Subsequent updates will preserve the original value.

# Load a user of your app
my_app_user = User.find(my_user_id)
Pipewise.track_user(, :created => my_app_user.created_at,
                    :subscription_type => 'premium')

If the call succeeds, track_user will return true. If there is a problem, an exception will be raised (more on this below).

Tracking Events

To track a user lifecycle event, use track_event. This method requires the email address of the user you wish to tie the event to and the type of event that you are recording. It also accepts an optional hash of event properties.

Pipewise.track_event('[email protected]', 'Purchased Goods', 
                     :purchase_category => 'clothing', :price => 99.95)

If the call succeeds, track_event will return true. If there is a problem, an exception will be raised. See the next section for more details on this.

Tracking Purchases

The track_purchase method provides a convenient way to track a user's purchases. This method requires the email address of the user you wish to tie the purchase to and the amount of the purchase, which should be a numeric value. This method can also accept an optional hash of properties describing the purchase.

Pipewise.track_purchase('[email protected]', 19.95)

Under the covers, this is just a convenience method that wraps a call to track_event.


Unsuccessful calls to track_user, track_event, and track_purchase will raise exceptions. The following exceptions are possible:

  • Pipewise::InvalidApiKeyError if the API key is invalid
  • Pipewise::InvalidRequestError if Pipewise could not process your request due to errors in the format of your request, such as an invalid email address. The exception message may contain more information on why the request failed.
  • Pipewise::UnexpectedResponseError if Pipewise could not process the response, possibly due to internal errors.

Contributing to pipewise.rb

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
  • Fork the project.
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch.
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.


Copyright (c) 2012 Pipewise, Inc. See LICENSE for further details.


A simple Ruby gem for sending data to the Pipewise API







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