This fork of Human-compatible AI's Overcooked Demo has been modified for use in experiments on importance of eye gaze in human-AI collaboration, carried out at King's College London in 2022 by P. Tisnikar and L. Wachowiak. The custom environment contains 2 levels, forced_coordination and counter_circuit, with modified graphics to hide tomatoes in a cupboard in order to confuse the players. Added functionality includes integration with eye-tracking software.
The results of this study are available and discussed here. If using this specific environment, please cite as:
@inproceedings{wachowiak2022analysing, title={Analysing eye gaze patterns during confusion and errors in human--agent collaborations}, author={Wachowiak, Lennart and Tisnikar, Peter and Canal, Gerard and Coles, Andrew and Leonetti, Matteo and Celiktutan, Oya}, booktitle={2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)}, pages={224--229}, year={2022}, organization={IEEE} }
The server uses a custom branch of the original overcooked-ai game environment that can be found here. This environment contains the modified layouts, player starting positions, and recipes used in the experiments, along with suspension of cooking unless all 3 ingredients are present in the pot.
It is recommended that any new adaptation of these environments originates from the source repositories which can be found below: Overcooked Demo Overcooked game logic Human-aware RL
Building the server image requires Docker
The server can be deployed locally using the driver script included in the repo. To run the production server, use the command
./ production
In order to build and run the development server, which includes helpful debugging logs, run
After running one of the above commands, navigate to http://localhost
In order to kill the production server, run
If you want to make any changes to the environment start looking at these files:
- For Agent Policies:
- For Page Layout:
- For Game Graphics:
- Server Communication:
- Game Logic: look into