Status bar for Herbstluftwm that supports stalonetray.
ggbar x-offset y-offset width height monitor-num font stalone-offset stalone-enabled
E.g. ggbar 0 0 1920 20 0 'Inconsolata Bold 12' 0 'true'
Note that stalone-offset
is measure from the right of the screen.
- The blue rectangle to the left of the tags shows that the screen is focused. On unfocused screens, a white rectangle is visible.
- Blue: Tag visible on this screen
- Green: Tag visible on different screen
- Pink: Tag active, but not visible
- Gray: Tag inactive
- Why? Polybar doesn't really support HerbstluftWM. Also making this was easier than figuring out how to configure Polybar.
- Why Rust? Good question! As it turns out, it's a bit pointless if you just use bindings for XCB and Cairo.
- How to configure? Edit the source code (
) or pass command line arguments.