This repository is a collection of tutorials for MIT Deep Learning courses.
Expanded by loopuleasa for learning purposes.
Install Anaconda, create a fresh conda environment and install the following packages:
conda create mit-env
conda activate mit-env
For the basic tutorial:
conda install tensorflow
conda install matplotlib
conda install seaborn
conda install opencv-python
conda install ipython
For driving segmentation tutorial:
conda install pillow
conda install tqdm
conda install scikit-learn
conda install tabulate
Install Jupyter notebooks
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install jupyter
conda install sympy
conda install jupytext
Setup Jupytext
jupyter notebook --generate-config
then open up the generated
and append the following
c.NotebookApp.contents_manager_class = "jupytext.TextFileContentsManager"
c.ContentsManager.default_jupytext_formats = "ipynb,py"
c.ContentsManager.preferred_jupytext_formats_save = "py:percent"
Now all jupyter notebooks are jupytext compatible and can be changed directly from the .py
files, while the .ipynb
files are synchronised on the fly when page is refreshed.
To run jupyter notebooks simply use the following command to launch the server:
jupyter notebook
If you want to create new jupytext notebooks, use the commands:
#convert a jupyter notebook to python
jupytext --to py:percent <notebook.ipynb>
#convert any jupytext notebook (.py, .md, etc.) back to a .ipynb
jupytext --to notebook <jupytext_notebook>
This tutorial accompanies the lecture on Deep Learning Basics. It presents several concepts in deep learning, demonstrating the first two (feed forward and convolutional neural networks) and providing pointers to tutorials on the others. This is a good place to start.
Links: [ Jupyter Notebook ] [ Google Colab ] [ Lecture Video ]
This tutorial demostrates semantic segmentation with a state-of-the-art model (DeepLab) on a sample video from the MIT Driving Scene Segmentation Dataset.
Links: [ Jupyter Notebook ] [ Google Colab ]
DeepTraffic is a deep reinforcement learning competition. The goal is to create a neural network that drives a vehicle (or multiple vehicles) as fast as possible through dense highway traffic.