Make sure that Rust is installed. The default way to acchieve this by running the one-liner from hell. You most certainly do not want to use your system's package manager to install Rust.
You also need the unstable nightly channel to run this application:
rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup default nightly
After that navigate to this directory and run:
cargo build --release
The binary then can be found under target/release/random_negative_weights
A help page can be accessed by running random_negative_weights --help
At time of writing it looks as follows:
random_negative_weights [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-W <max-weight> Minimum Weight [Default: 1]
-w <min-weight> Maximum Weight [Default: -1]
-o <output> Optional Output Path
-r <rounds-per-edge> Carry out m * rounds_per_edge MCMC update steps [default: 1]
-t <type> The primitive type of edge weights: can be any signed integer or float [default: f64]
-s <seed> Optional starting seed for the RNG
-i InitialWeights: Maximum (m), Uniform (u), zero (z) [Default: m]
-a <algorithm> Specify the algorithm used (BiDijktra: bd, Dijkstra: d, BellmanFord: bf) [Default: bd]
--scc Extract the largest SCC and run the MCMC on it instead
--check Run additional NegativeCycleDetector checks before and after the MCMC
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
The last part of each command specified the data:
random_negative_weights -s 1234 gnp -n 1000 -d 10
will produce a graph with 1000 nodes and an expected average
degree of 10 (i.e. we compute as p=d/(n-1)
) using a fixed seed of 1234
. Since the seed is fixed, multiple runs
of the same binary should produce the same graph; drop -s 1234
to seed from the system's entropy.
In front of the subcommand (gnp
in the above example), you can specify the edge update routine. We will run a Markov Chain process known to converge to a uniform distribution over all legal edge
weights between -w
and -W
. Though, nothing is known about the convergence time.
If you specify -o
, the output will be written into the file
; if the option is omitted, the graph is
dumped to stderr.
# Produce a graph of 100 nodes and average degree 4.
random_negative_weights -s 1234 -w=-10 gnp -n 100 -d 4
# Produce a graph of 100 nodes and average degree 4, run MCMC for 100*m steps and randomly assign weights in the interval [-3, 10]
random_negative_weights -s 1234 -w=-3 -W 10 -r 100 gnp -n 100 -d 4
When specifying negative values please use -w=-10
instead of -w -10
to allow the command line argument parser to distinguish it from other input parameters.
All experiments and plots are implemented as features and can be accessed in the exp
There are the following experiments:
: Log the AcceptanceRate of the MCMC over time for different graph modelsinsertions
: Log the number of Queue-Insertions of different algorithms for different graph modelsintervals
: Log average runtime, average weight and fraction of negative edges over time for different graph modelscycledist
: Log the weight distribution on the simply cycle over time
An experiment can be executed via
make run -C [NAME]
and plotted via
make plot -C [NAME]
If you want a small test sample (and plot) on your machine, use
make test -C [NAME]
All experiments can instead also be executed in succession via
bash exp/
or tested via
bash exp/
Note that before plotting you need to setup a Python-Environment via
bash exp/
All experiments and plotting might take a few days depending on your machine (some but not all are parallelized)
The submodule cycle-cover
contains two additional experiments.
The code base will be restructured for the final version of the paper.