Pollitic is a web application that allows people to vote for their preferred candidates using a secure mobile authenticated system that doesn't store any of the user's raw data.
These two routes behave in exactly the same way, the only difference being that one returns only ongoing polls and one returns only closed ones. |
Returns a JSON Object with 'data', which contains a 'polls' attribute which is an array of all public polls.
Required GET Variables
Name | Required | Details |
sort | no | A string that is either 'new' or 'hot'. new returns polls sorted from newest to oldest, 'hot' returns polls sorted by their votecount |
number | no | An integer that specifys how many posts the requests want to retrieve |
page | no | An integer that specifys which page of the data to be retrieved. defaults to 1 |
perPage | no | An integer that specifys how many polls should be shown per page for pagination. defaults to 10 |
Example response:
"status": "success",
"data": {
"polls": [
"id": 1,
"name": "test",
"description": "test",
"imageLink": null,
"password": null,
"requirePhoneAuth": "True",
"isListed": "True",
"created_at": "2018-10-23 10:42:59",
"updated_at": "2018-10-23 10:42:59"
"isClosed": "True",
"closingDate": {
"date":"0256-10-25 15:40:45.000000",
"totalVotes" : 0
"page" : 1,
"totalPages": 1,
"perPage": 10
Creates a poll based on the request.
Variables you need to submit:
Name | Required | Details | Example |
name | yes | name of the poll | |
description | yes | description of poll | |
password | no | if this value is provided, the poll will require all voters to enter this password | |
requirePhoneAuth | yes | string boolean value of if this poll requires phone authentication | 'True' |
isListed | yes | string boolean value of if this poll is unlisted or not | 'True' |
candidates | yes | an array of candidates | ['name1', 'name2'] |
closingDate | yes | a unix timestamp of when the poll should be closed | '1540935877' |
image | no | an image file that is 4MB max. | |
recaptcha | yes | a token aquired from the google recaptcha on the site. |
The response to this will always have a 'status' property. The status will either be 'success' or 'error'
- If there is an error, there will always be an error attribute that contains the error message. These error messages can be displayed straight to the user. There will also sometimes be a field attribute, which will give the field that the error occured because of. This will only happen when the error is related to a field, and not some other part of the app.
Example Error:
"status": "error",
"error": "გთხოვთ შეიყვანოთ გამოკითხვის სათაური",
"field": "name"
- If the status is success, then there will be a message attribute saying the poll is created, and a data attribute with a poll attribute containing the info for the poll that was created.
Returns a JSON Object with 'data' , which contains a 'poll' attribute with all the poll and candidate information. If the poll is not found, a 404 is returned.
Example response:
"created_at":"2018-10-23 10:42:59",
"updated_at":"2018-10-23 10:42:59",
"created_at":"2018-10-23 10:42:59",
"updated_at":"2018-10-23 10:42:59",
The {id} is the unique ID of the poll currently being voted on.
Variables you need to submit:
Name | Required | Details |
number | no | Phone number of voter. a georgian phone number(599123456) without any whitespace or dashes. |
candidateId | yes | ID of the candidate the person voted for. The candidateId for each candidate is provided in the response of the '/api' route as the 'id' attribute. |
gender | no | Any string, the backend just treats it as a string and puts it in the database. The backend chose to treat this as just a string instead of a binary value because it is the frontend's job to conform to traditional gender roles. |
age | no | Any positive integer. |
recaptcha | yes | a token aquired from the google recaptcha on the site. |
The response to this will either return a 404 because the poll was not found, or it will always have a 'status' property. The status will either be 'success' or 'error'
If the status is 'error', then it will always have an 'error' property that will be one of these messages:
'გთხოვთ შეიყვანოთ სწორი 9 ნიშნა ნომერი!'
'ეს ნომერი ერთხელ უკვე გამოყენებული იქნა!'
'გთხოვთ აირჩიოთ კანდიდატი!'
'გთხოვთ აირჩიოთ ამ გამოკითხვის შესაბამისი კანდიდატი!' This should never occur, as both the vote ID and poll ID should be already existing values retrieved from the API
'მესიჯის გაგზავნისას დაფიქსირდა შეცდომა.'
'შეყვანილი პაროლი არასწორია!' If and only if the poll has a password
There may also be a 'field' attribute that will specify exactly which field the error occured because of, if this is the case.
Error Example:
"status": "error",
"error": "გთხოვთ აირჩიოთ კანდიდატი!",
"field": "candidateId"
If the status is 'success', and the poll requires a phone number to vote, then there will be a data attribute with 2 more attributes:
- 'message' The message will contain a string saying the SMS is sent.
- 'link' The link will be the route that should be used for verification of this specific voter, as the link contains an unique id to their vote.
If the poll does not require a phone number to vote, the status will be success, and there will only be a 'message' attribute.
This route is used to submit the pin the user got as an SMS message and verify the vote. You must post into this with one variable
Name | Required | Details |
pin | required | 5 digit pin received by the user via SMS |
This route may return 3 things:
- A 404 because a vote with the given ID was not found. This should never happen as you should always be acquiring this link from a post request to '/api/vote/'
- A JSON with a 'status' property of 'success'. This means that the vote has been verified.
- An error saying 'შეყვანილი ვერიფიკაციის კოდი არასწორია!'
This route is used to remove a poll.
Name | Required | Details |
password | required | an administrator password |
This route may return 3 things:
- A 404 because a poll with the given ID was not found.
- A JSON with a 'status' property of 'success'. This means that the poll has been deleted.
- An error saying 'პაროლი არასწორია!'