Experience since 2004 in developing targeting different segments, using relational database.
Dynamic, communicative, dedicated, easy to learn and easy to express opinions to offer better solutions for the projects in which I work.
In some companies I acted as a reviewer of the changes that were thrown to GitHub and GitLab.
Project being developed during Graduate studies: https://luisferrarezi.notion.site/Tiu-Lanches-818bd35f516d459d9525f3bc2f7c2af6
Professional Experience:
Programming Languages: Java, JavaScript, AngularJs
Frameworks: JSP, JSF, Maven, Mockito, Spring, Rest, SOAP
Version control: SVN, GitHub and GitLab
DataBase Connections: JDBC, JPA
Databases: SQL Server, FireBird and Oracle, always using database programming.
Work Methodology: MVC, Scrum
Technical Knowledge:
Frameworks: JUnit, Flyway
Messaging: RabbitMQ
Work Methodology: TDD, BDD, DDD, Clean Architecture, Hexagonal Architecture, SOLID
Guys who came because Github Stats: the API probably went down in this period, but you can add your own by following this tutorial.