A simple and fake BSOD Virus written in Python and Batch. Only compatible with windows. This is for funny purposes only! You can use this to prank your friends, parents or anyone else! Just download it now at https://github.com/lucaso60/Fake_bsod_V1.5.0/releases/. You have to be online, connected to the internet, for the program to download all the dependencies. This program currently only works with laptops or dekstops with only ONE screen, but we are working on the issue.
- Download Python from python.org.
- Press on the file to times, make sure you are in Windows 10 or any other Windows operating system.
MIT License
All code in this file is licensed under the MIT License, the whole license and copyright holder(s) is in ./LICENSE.
You shall follow all the terms of the MIT License (./LICENSE).
You can contct me by sending me an email at [email protected].
Happy coding!