Simple modelling of some types of social systems using Statistical Mechanis and MCMC Simulations.
Install the package running:
julia> Pkg.clone("")
We define a BasicSociety and perform MCMC until equilibration around an issue. After that, we can verify the magnetization of the society is stabilized.
julia> using SocialSystems, Plots
julia> N = 100
julia> ρ = 0.2
julia> ε = 0.1
julia> soc = BasicSociety(n, ρ, ε)
julia> iter, x = metropolis!(soc, β=15.)
julia> nsteps = 100
julia> mi = zeros(nsteps)
julia> for i in 1:nsteps
metropolisStep!(soc, x, 15.);
mi[i] = magnetization(soc, x)
julia> plot(1:nsteps, mi, title = "Magnetization after thermoequilibration")