[sram_ctrl] Add RW1C status for scr key rotation #29994
reviewdog [verible-verilog-lint] report
reported by reviewdog 🐶
Findings (0)
Filtered Findings (302)
hw/top_earlgrey/dv/env/seq_lib/chip_padctrl_attributes_vseq.sv|256 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 101 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|237 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 102 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|242 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 102 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|247 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 102 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|252 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 102 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|331 col 18| $psprintf is a forbidden system function or task, please use $sformatf instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|333 col 18| $psprintf is a forbidden system function or task, please use $sformatf instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|335 col 18| $psprintf is a forbidden system function or task, please use $sformatf instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|337 col 18| $psprintf is a forbidden system function or task, please use $sformatf instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|339 col 18| $psprintf is a forbidden system function or task, please use $sformatf instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|339 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 102 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|340 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 104 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|341 col 18| $psprintf is a forbidden system function or task, please use $sformatf instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|343 col 19| $psprintf is a forbidden system function or task, please use $sformatf instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|345 col 18| $psprintf is a forbidden system function or task, please use $sformatf instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|347 col 19| $psprintf is a forbidden system function or task, please use $sformatf instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|353 col 18| $psprintf is a forbidden system function or task, please use $sformatf instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|354 col 18| $psprintf is a forbidden system function or task, please use $sformatf instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|355 col 18| $psprintf is a forbidden system function or task, please use $sformatf instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|356 col 18| $psprintf is a forbidden system function or task, please use $sformatf instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|357 col 18| $psprintf is a forbidden system function or task, please use $sformatf instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_seq_item.sv|365 col 19| $psprintf is a forbidden system function or task, please use $sformatf instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/SimJTAG.sv|15 col 28| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (TICK_DELAY). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/SimJTAG.sv|16 col 28| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (PORT). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/SimJTAG.sv|43 col 31| $random is a forbidden system function or task, please use $urandom instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/core_ibex/tests/core_ibex_base_test.sv|73 col 7| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/ip/prim/rtl/prim_assert.sv|124 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 103 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/prim/rtl/prim_assert.sv|129 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/prim/rtl/prim_assert.sv|167 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 114 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/vendor/google_riscv-dv/src/isa/riscv_csr_instr.sv|49 col 14| Constraint names must by styled with lower_snake_case and end with _c. [Style: constraints] [constraint-name-style]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/vendor/google_riscv-dv/src/isa/riscv_csr_instr.sv|55 col 14| Constraint names must by styled with lower_snake_case and end with _c. [Style: constraints] [constraint-name-style]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/vendor/google_riscv-dv/src/isa/riscv_csr_instr.sv|61 col 14| Constraint names must by styled with lower_snake_case and end with _c. [Style: constraints] [constraint-name-style]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/vendor/google_riscv-dv/src/isa/riscv_csr_instr.sv|67 col 14| Constraint names must by styled with lower_snake_case and end with _c. [Style: constraints] [constraint-name-style]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/vendor/google_riscv-dv/src/isa/riscv_csr_instr.sv|112 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 136 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/src/dmi_test.sv|337 col 11| File must end with a newline. [Style: posix-file-endings] [posix-eof]
hw/dv/sv/csrng_agent/csrng_sequencer.sv|12 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 101 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/top_earlgrey/ip/ast/rtl/vio_pgd.sv|34 col 1| Use 'always_comb' instead of 'always @'. [Style: combinational-logic] [always-comb]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/syn/rtl/prim_clock_gating.v|16 col 3| Use 'always_comb' instead of 'always @'. [Style: combinational-logic] [always-comb]
hw/top_earlgrey/dv/env/seq_lib/chip_sw_lc_ctrl_scrap_vseq.sv|34 col 9| Do not use $test$plusargs to access plusargs, use $value$plusargs instead. [Style: plusarg-value-assignment] [plusarg-assignment]
hw/top_earlgrey/dv/env/seq_lib/chip_sw_power_virus_vseq.sv|65 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 116 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/core_ibex/tb/core_ibex_tb_top.sv|50 col 13| Macro names must contain only CAPITALS, underscores, and digits. Exception: UVM-like macros. [Style: defines] [macro-name-style]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/core_ibex/tb/core_ibex_tb_top.sv|233 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 109 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/spi_device/dv/env/seq_lib/spi_device_base_vseq.sv|359 col 7| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/ip/spi_device/dv/env/seq_lib/spi_device_base_vseq.sv|384 col 7| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/ip/spi_device/pre_dv/tb/spid_status_tb.sv|95 col 8| Explicitly define static or automatic lifetime for non-class tasks [Style: function-task-explicit-lifetime] [explicit-task-lifetime]
hw/ip/spi_device/pre_dv/tb/spid_status_tb.sv|162 col 8| Explicitly define static or automatic lifetime for non-class tasks [Style: function-task-explicit-lifetime] [explicit-task-lifetime]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/tb_top.sv|53 col 13| Do not use $test$plusargs to access plusargs, use $value$plusargs instead. [Style: plusarg-value-assignment] [plusarg-assignment]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/tb_top.sv|58 col 13| Do not use $test$plusargs to access plusargs, use $value$plusargs instead. [Style: plusarg-value-assignment] [plusarg-assignment]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/tb_top.sv|71 col 16| Do not use $test$plusargs to access plusargs, use $value$plusargs instead. [Style: plusarg-value-assignment] [plusarg-assignment]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/tb_top.sv|100 col 12| Do not use $test$plusargs to access plusargs, use $value$plusargs instead. [Style: plusarg-value-assignment] [plusarg-assignment]
hw/ip/pwm/dv/tb.sv|18 col 14| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (PWM_NUM_CHANNELS). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
hw/ip/uart/dv/env/uart_scoreboard.sv|173 col 7| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/ip/uart/dv/env/uart_scoreboard.sv|339 col 13| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/ip/uart/dv/env/uart_scoreboard.sv|470 col 13| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/ip/uart/dv/env/uart_scoreboard.sv|488 col 44| 489:49: The lines can't be continued with '', use concatenation operator with braces [Style: forbid-line-continuations] [forbid-line-continuations]
hw/ip/uart/dv/env/uart_scoreboard.sv|499 col 44| 500:49: The lines can't be continued with '', use concatenation operator with braces [Style: forbid-line-continuations] [forbid-line-continuations]
hw/ip/otbn/dv/uvm/env/seq_lib/otbn_base_vseq.sv|333 col 33| Explicitly define a storage type for every function parameter. [Style: function-task-argument-types] [explicit-function-task-parameter-type]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/icache/dv/ibex_icache_core_agent/ibex_icache_core_protocol_checker.sv|13 col 11| Interface names must use lower_snake_case naming convention and end with _if. [Style: interface-conventions] [interface-name-style]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/core_ibex/common/ibex_mem_intf_agent/ibex_mem_intf_response_seq_lib.sv|107 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 114 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/core_ibex/common/ibex_mem_intf_agent/ibex_mem_intf.sv|5 col 11| Interface names must use lower_snake_case naming convention and end with _if. [Style: interface-conventions] [interface-name-style]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/icache/dv/ibex_icache_mem_agent/ibex_icache_mem_resp_item.sv|29 col 14| Constraint names must by styled with lower_snake_case and end with _c. [Style: constraints] [constraint-name-style]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/icache/dv/ibex_icache_mem_agent/ibex_icache_mem_resp_item.sv|39 col 14| Constraint names must by styled with lower_snake_case and end with _c. [Style: constraints] [constraint-name-style]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_scoreboard.sv|363 col 9| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_scoreboard.sv|477 col 13| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/ip/otbn/pre_sca/alma/rtl/ram_1p.v|9 col 13| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (DataWidth). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
hw/ip/otbn/pre_sca/alma/rtl/ram_1p.v|10 col 13| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (AddrWidth). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
hw/ip/otbn/pre_sca/alma/rtl/ram_1p.v|11 col 13| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (Depth). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
hw/ip/otbn/pre_sca/alma/rtl/ram_1p.v|24 col 27| Unpacked dimension range must be declared in big-endian ([0:N-1]) order. Declare zero-based big-endian unpacked dimensions sized as [N]. [Style: unpacked-ordering] [unpacked-dimensions-range-ordering]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/tb_test_env.sv|34 col 16| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (CLUSTER_ID). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/tb_test_env.sv|35 col 16| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (CORE_ID). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/tb_test_env.sv|37 col 16| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (CORE_MHARTID). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/tb_test_env.sv|38 col 16| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (NrHarts). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/tb_test_env.sv|40 col 16| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (HARTINFO). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/tb_test_env.sv|99 col 12| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/tb_test_env.sv|101 col 12| Declare packed dimension range in little-endian (decreasing) order, e.g. [N-1:0]. [Style: packed-ordering] [packed-dimensions-range-ordering]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/seq_lib/aes_base_vseq.sv|412 col 9| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_message_item.sv|50 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 122 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_message_item.sv|237 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_message_item.sv|281 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 113 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/spi_device/pre_dv/tb/spid_passthrough_tb.sv|7 col 8| Declared module does not match the first dot-delimited component of file name: "spid_passthrough_tb" [Style: file-names] [module-filename]
hw/dv/sv/alert_esc_agent/esc_monitor.sv|144 col 7| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/icache/dv/env/ibex_icache_scoreboard.sv|20 col 14| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (BusWidth). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
hw/ip/uart/dv/env/seq_lib/uart_intr_vseq.sv|54 col 7| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/aes_env_cfg.sv|188 col 7| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/ip/pattgen/dv/env/seq_lib/pattgen_base_vseq.sv|18 col 51| Unpacked dimension range must be declared in big-endian ([0:N-1]) order. Declare zero-based big-endian unpacked dimensions sized as [N]. [Style: unpacked-ordering] [unpacked-dimensions-range-ordering]
hw/ip/pattgen/dv/env/seq_lib/pattgen_base_vseq.sv|216 col 9| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/ip/pattgen/dv/env/seq_lib/pattgen_base_vseq.sv|257 col 7| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/ip/pattgen/dv/env/seq_lib/pattgen_base_vseq.sv|274 col 7| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/vendor/google_riscv-dv/src/riscv_illegal_instr.sv|145 col 14| Constraint names must by styled with lower_snake_case and end with _c. [Style: constraints] [constraint-name-style]
hw/ip/spi_device/dv/env/seq_lib/spi_device_txrx_vseq.sv|161 col 33| 162:49: The lines can't be continued with '', use concatenation operator with braces [Style: forbid-line-continuations] [forbid-line-continuations]
hw/ip/kmac/fpv/tb/keccak_round_fpv.sv|202 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 106 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/spi_device/dv/env/seq_lib/spi_device_tpm_base_vseq.sv|50 col 65| $random is a forbidden system function or task, please use $urandom instead [Style: forbidden-system-functions] [invalid-system-task-function]
hw/ip/otbn/dv/uvm/env/seq_lib/otbn_common_vseq.sv|146 col 21| 147:43: The lines can't be continued with '', use concatenation operator with braces [Style: forbid-line-continuations] [forbid-line-continuations]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/vendor/google_riscv-dv/src/riscv_load_store_instr_lib.sv|606 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 101 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/vendor/google_riscv-dv/src/riscv_load_store_instr_lib.sv|620 col 7| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/vendor/google_riscv-dv/src/riscv_load_store_instr_lib.sv|639 col 7| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|73 col 5| enum types always should be named using typedef. [Style: typedef-enums] [typedef-enums]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|75 col 5| enum types always should be named using typedef. [Style: typedef-enums] [typedef-enums]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|195 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 106 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|230 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 106 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|265 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 101 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|271 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|272 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 101 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|273 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 101 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|275 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 104 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|280 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 101 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|313 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 101 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|315 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|317 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 101 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|319 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 101 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|323 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 104 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|325 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 101 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|362 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 108 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|370 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 102 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|444 col 17| Do not use $test$plusargs to access plusargs, use $value$plusargs instead. [Style: plusarg-value-assignment] [plusarg-assignment]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|498 col 13| Do not use $test$plusargs to access plusargs, use $value$plusargs instead. [Style: plusarg-value-assignment] [plusarg-assignment]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|521 col 59| Use spaces, not tabs. [Style: tabs] [no-tabs]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/mm_ram.sv|524 col 59| Use spaces, not tabs. [Style: tabs] [no-tabs]
hw/dv/sv/spi_agent/spi_agent_cfg.sv|115 col 7| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/ip/rom_ctrl/dv/env/rom_ctrl_scoreboard.sv|145 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 112 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/prim/fpv/tb/prim_keccak_tb.sv|69 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 106 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/otbn/dv/verilator/otbn_top_sim.sv|506 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 103 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/core_ibex/fcov/core_ibex_fcov_if.sv|99 col 13| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/core_ibex/fcov/core_ibex_fcov_if.sv|119 col 11| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/src/dmi_intf.sv|9 col 11| Interface names must use lower_snake_case naming convention and end with _if. [Style: interface-conventions] [interface-name-style]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/seq_lib/aes_wake_up_vseq.sv|14 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 122 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/seq_lib/aes_wake_up_vseq.sv|33 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 143 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/seq_lib/aes_wake_up_vseq.sv|56 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 142 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/seq_lib/aes_wake_up_vseq.sv|72 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 120 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/aes/dv/env/seq_lib/aes_wake_up_vseq.sv|80 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 107 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/ip/kmac/dv/env/seq_lib/kmac_base_vseq.sv|870 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/dv/sv/cip_lib/seq_lib/cip_base_vseq.sv|5 col 9| Macro names must contain only CAPITALS, underscores, and digits. Exception: UVM-like macros. [Style: defines] [macro-name-style]
hw/dv/sv/cip_lib/seq_lib/cip_base_vseq.sv|234 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 109 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/dv/sv/cip_lib/seq_lib/cip_base_vseq.sv|243 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 110 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/dv/sv/cip_lib/seq_lib/cip_base_vseq.sv|244 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 101 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/icache/dv/fcov/ibex_icache_fcov_if.sv|242 col 31| All generate block statements must have a label [Style: generate-statements] [generate-label]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/icache/dv/fcov/ibex_icache_fcov_if.sv|245 col 16| All generate block statements must have a label [Style: generate-statements] [generate-label]
hw/ip/flash_ctrl/dv/env/seq_lib/flash_ctrl_otp_reset_vseq.sv|108 col 20| Binary literal 2'b1 has less digits than expected for 2 bits. [Style: number-literals] [undersized-binary-literal]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/icache/dv/ibex_icache_core_agent/seq_lib/ibex_icache_core_base_seq.sv|65 col 14| Constraint names must by styled with lower_snake_case and end with _c. [Style: constraints] [constraint-name-style]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/icache/dv/ibex_icache_core_agent/seq_lib/ibex_icache_core_base_seq.sv|72 col 14| Constraint names must by styled with lower_snake_case and end with _c. [Style: constraints] [constraint-name-style]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/icache/dv/ibex_icache_mem_agent/ibex_icache_mem_protocol_checker.sv|13 col 11| Interface names must use lower_snake_case naming convention and end with _if. [Style: interface-conventions] [interface-name-style]
hw/dv/sv/csr_utils/csr_seq_lib.sv|371 col 13| Explicitly define a default case for every case statement. [Style: case-statements] [case-missing-default]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/dp_ram.sv|33 col 16| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (bytes). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/dp_ram.sv|58 col 21| Do not use $test$plusargs to access plusargs, use $value$plusargs instead. [Style: plusarg-value-assignment] [plusarg-assignment]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/dp_ram.sv|74 col 18| Explicitly define static or automatic lifetime for non-class functions [Style: function-task-explicit-lifetime] [explicit-function-lifetime]
hw/vendor/pulp_riscv_dbg/tb/dp_ram.sv|78 col 10| Explicitly define static or automatic lifetime for non-class tasks [Style: function-task-explicit-lifetime] [explicit-task-lifetime]
hw/ip/otbn/dv/uvm/env/otbn_env_pkg.sv|90 col 5| Struct names have to end with _t [Style: struct-union-conventions] [struct-union-name-style]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/icache/dv/ibex_icache_core_agent/ibex_icache_core_req_item.sv|27 col 14| Constraint names must by styled with lower_snake_case and end with _c. [Style: constraints] [constraint-name-style]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/icache/dv/ibex_icache_core_agent/ibex_icache_core_req_item.sv|38 col 14| Constraint names must by styled with lower_snake_case and end with _c. [Style: constraints] [constraint-name-style]
hw/vendor/lowrisc_ibex/dv/uvm/icache/dv/ibex_icache_core_agent/ibex_icache_core_req_item.sv|45 col 14| Constraint names must by styled with lower_snake_case and end with _c. [Style: constraints] [constraint-name-style]
... (Too many findings. Dropped some findings)