- 1). Add
plugin to your pom.xml file, see here - 2). Call
mvn clean package
during your CI tests, see here - 3). Call
bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash)
at the end of your CI build, see here
- login https://travis-ci.org/ and add lovepoem/codecov-travis-maven-junit5-example repository to https://travis-ci.org/
- login https://codecov.io/ and add lovepoem/codecov-travis-maven-junit5-example repository to https://codecov.io/
Use jacoco-maven-plugin
plugin version 0.8.2
to collect test coverage without codecov token ,need jdk version: java8
So if you ues a lower jdk version , please see this repo : https://github.com/lovepoem/codecov-travis-maven-junit4-example