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COVID-19 cases and vaccination data on county level for Germany

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COVID-19 cases and vaccination data on district level for Germany

Udacity capstone project


The Robert-Koch institute has a daily publication of all new registered COVID-19 cases in Germany as well as all registered daily vaccinations. Both datasets are available on a district level.

Combining these two data sources can lead to new insights, for example one could correlate the ratio of vaccinated people with the number of new COVID infections for each district and check if higher vaccination rates lead to fewer infections.

This projects defines a data pipeline that reads the two datasets from public sources, uploads them to S3 and copies the data from S3 into a Redshift database. In Redshift, fact and dimension tables are created that provide the data ready for further analysis.

Steps taken

Data exploration

  • Exploring the data and checking if it is possible to combine the two datasets
  • Checking that the data is available with the desired granularity (district level)
  • Checking that new versions of the datasets are published daily and that older versions are also accessible
  • Getting population data on district level so that the cases and vaccinations can be normalized by population

Designing the pipeline

  • Choosing Airflow for orchestration
  • Some testing with an RDS Postgres database first
    • the data is small enough to fit into a single Postgres DB
    • however, copying data from S3 is more complex and requires an intermediate machine
    • in case of Redshift, it's possible to load directly from S3 => choose Redshift
  • Implement DAG using a local Airflow instance

Data model

  • Coming up with SQL queries to get the data into the desired form of the data model (e.g. computing rolling sum of cases)
  • Experimenting with example queries to ensure that the data model can be used to answer relevant questions in the context of COVID-19.

ETL pipeline

The pipeline does the following:

  • Create tables in Redshift, and transform and load the static districts data (one-time job)
  • Download newest case and vaccination datasets from public sources and upload them to S3
  • Load data from S3 to staging tables in Redshift
  • Aggregate the data to the desired level and compute some additional columns
  • Insert data into the cases and vaccinations table (old data is dropped)
  • Run data checks on all three tables

Why dropping and re-creating the table on every pipeline run?

Because each new dataset also contains corrections for previous days, and the logic of updating old records is very complex (e.g. for the vaccinations table, this consists of 11 different steps that have to applied in a certain sequence depending on the outcome of each step -- more info). So it is much easier to re-create the tables, and the tasks still run only a few seconds.

Source data

Dataset Format No. of rows Description Source
Case data JSON ca. 4.5 million Daily updated dataset containing all information (e.g. demographics) of every registered COVID-19 case for Germany RKI
Vaccination data CSV ca. 930,000 Daily updated dataset cotaining the number of administered COVID-19 vaccinations RKI
District data XLSX 494 Information for each district of Germany, e.g. the population and the state it belongs to. Destatis

Data model

The schema of the data model is a start schema with 2 fact tables, cases and vaccinations that are updated daily, and one dimension table holding information about each district. The tables can be joined on district_id.

Organizing the data this way means that it is very straightforward to compute measures on district level, because each table has the key district_id, so the district data can be joined with only one step.

Advantages of the star schema:

  • It usually leads to simpler queries and less joins, as the dimension tables are organized around the central fact table(s)
  • It is widely used in OLAP databases, so one can assume that data analysts are familiar with it

Data dictionary of the data model

Cases table

Column name Type Description
date date Date when the case was reported
district_id int ID of the district
num_cases int Number of cases for a specific date and district
new_cases_last_7_days int Rolling sum of the number of cases over the last seven days for each district

Vaccinations table

Column name Type Description
vaccination_date date Date of the vaccination
district_id int ID of the district
incomplete_vaccination_count int Number of vaccinations that do not give full protection yet
complete_vaccination_count int Number of vaccinations that give full protection (i.e. one shot with the Johnson&Johnson vaccine, or two shots with any other vaccine.
booster_vaccination_count int Number of booster shots on top of a completed series of vaccinations

District table

Column name Type Description
district_id int ID of the district
type text District type (e.g. city or "Landkreis")
name text District name
state text Name of state that the district belongs to
area_quare_km float Area of district in square kilometers
population int Total population of the district
population_per_square_km int Population per square kilometer

Example queries

Once the data is loaded into Redshift, one can run some analytical queries:

Compute the incidence per district (sum of new cases over the last 7 days per 100,000 population; this is a very common measure in Germany):

select c.*,
       (c.new_cases_last_7_days::float / d.population * 100000) as incidence
from cases c
left join districts d
    on c.district_id = d.district_id
order by date, district_id;


Compute the ratio of fully vaccinated people among the population per district:

select v.*,
       sum(complete_vaccination_count) over (partition by v.district_id order by v.vaccination_date asc
           rows unbounded preceding) as complete_vaccination_cumulative,
       complete_vaccination_cumulative::float / population as complete_vaccination_ratio
from vaccinations v
left join districts d
    on v.district_id = d.district_id;


Running the pipeline


In order to run the data pipeline, you need to have the following:

  • An AWS account with a running Redshift cluster that is publicly accessible
  • An IAM user with read and write permissions for S3 as well as full access to the Redshift cluster
  • A running Airflow v2 instance (see requirements.txt). Airflow can be run locally.


  • Check the two DAG files in the dags/ subfolder. Each of them has a conf object that holds thea required configuration. You should change the name of the S3 bucket.
  • In Airflow, create two new connections:
    • An Amazon Web Services connection named aws_credentials with the access key and secret key of the IAM user.
    • A Postgres connection named redshift with the credentials to access the Redshift cluster.
  • Check that the start date and the catchup setting of the get_source_data DAG is appropriate. The datasets published on each day contain all the data up until that day, so you only need to download the most recent file per dataset in order to have all the data.

Running it

There are two DAGs, init_database and get_source_data. The first one is a one-time job that creates the neccessary tables in Redshift and copies static data that does not change over time.

The second DAG can is scheduled daily by default so that it fetches the updated datasets every day.

So, you need to run init_database once before you can start running get_source_data.

Note: the case dataset is quite large (around 2GB), so the upload to S3 will take some time (depending on your internet connection).

Other scenarios

The data was increased by 100x.

Since Redshift is a distributed databse, it is well suited for big data tasks. Redshift could be scaled out by increasing the number of nodes, as well as scaled up by increasing the computing power of a single node.

The bottleneck of the data pipeline is the upload of the large case dataset to S3. If that dataset was increased x100, the pipeline would need to run on a machine with a high-speed network connection, e.g. a large EC2 instance on AWS.

The pipelines would be run on a daily basis by 7 am every day.

This is already taken into account. The main pipeline get_source_data is supposed to be scheduled daily. In order to run them at 7 a.m. you just need to adjust the schedule_interval parameter to a cron expression.

The database needed to be accessed by 100+ people.

This is again no problem with Redshift. In case there are not enough resources to run queries by all the people, the cluster can be scaled easily.

Future improvements

  • Add unit tests for the python functions
  • Merge the file download and upload tasks into one operator so that the pipeline can be run in distributed settings where the different operators do not share a filesystem (e.g. with a KubernetesExecutor)
  • Add more dimensions to the data, e.g. the age group (not straightforward because the cases dataset has a different division of age group than the vaccinations dataset).


COVID-19 cases and vaccination data on county level for Germany






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