Pierre's Bakery has many treats of various flavors for resale. This website helps document them with a many to many relational database that impliments user authentication.
- C#
- .NET
- MSTesting
- EntityFrameworkCore
- MySQLWorkBench
- Identity
- Install .NET locally if it isn't already installed
- Open the terminal, clone down this repository.
- Via the terminal, navigate to the project folder PierresTreats.Solution/PierresTreats
- Enter the command: dotnet restore
- Enter the command: dotnet ef database update
- Enter the command: dotnet run
- Browse to http://localhost:5000/
Behaviors | Input | Output |
Users can register. | User clicks "Create an account", fills out the form, and clicks "Register". | New registration is created. |
Users can login. | User clicks "Log in", fills out the form with previously created user info, and clicks "Log in". | User is logged on. |
Users can logoff. | User clicks "Log off". | User is logged off. |
Users can read all the flavors they created if logged on. | User clicks, "See all flavors". | All previously created flavors by that user are listed. |
Users can read all the treats they created if logged on. | User clicks, "See all treats". | All previously created treats by that user are listed. |
Users can create new flavors if logged on. | User clicks, "See all flavors", "Add a new flavor", fill out the form and clicks "Add". | New flavor is created. |
Users can create new treats with a flavor if logged in. | User clicks, "See all treats", clicks "Add a new treat", fill out a form and clicks "Add treat". | New treat for that flavor is created. |
Users can update a particular treat or flavor. | User clicks, "See all treats", clicks a previously created line item, clicks "Edit Flavor/Treat", fills out a form and clicks "Save". | Flavor or treat is updated. |
Users can delete a particular treat or flavor. | User clicks, "See all treats", clicks a previously created line item, clicks "Delete Flavor/Treat", clicks "Delete". | Flavor or treat is deleted. |
- No known bugs at this time.
Please contact Jessica Munoz with questions and comments.
Copyright (c) 2019 Jessica Munoz