Library API with many-to-many relationship between author and book. This website connects to the LibraryMvc but you can view full CRUD functionality on the swagger UI listed below as well.
- C#
- .NET
- EntityFrameworkCore
- MySQLWorkBench
- MySqlConnector
- Razor
- Swagger with Swashbuckle
- Install .NET locally if it isn't already installed
- Open the terminal, clone down this repository.
- Via the terminal, navigate to the project folder LibraryApi
- Enter the command: dotnet restore
- Enter the command: dotnet ef database update
- Enter the command: dotnet run
- To review the API documentation:
- To utilize the CRUD functionality:
- Browse to http://localhost:5000/swagger
Behaviors | Input | Output |
User can add a new author or book. | User clicks "POST" and "Try it out", edits fields and clicks "Execute". | New author or book is created. |
User can read all authors or books. | User clicks "GET", "Try it out", and "Execute". | All authors or books are listed. |
User can read a specific author or book. | User clicks "GET/ ... /{id}", "Try it out", enters the id of a previously created book or author and clicks "Execute". | The author or book associated with that id is listed. |
User can update a specific author or book. | User clicks "PUT/ ... /{id}", "Try it out", enters the id of a previously created book or author, edits the properties and clicks "Execute". | The author or book associated with that id is updated. |
User can delete a specific author or book. | User clicks "DELETE/ ... /{id}", "Try it out", enters the id of a previously created book or author and clicks "Execute". | The author or book associated with that id is deleted. |
- No known bugs at this time.
Please contact Jessica, Joseph or Saswati with questions and comments.
Copyright (c) 2019 Jessica Munoz