React hooks allow you to use local states and effects in a functional component, but your functional component is no longer pure.
Recompose serves the same purpose as hooks by providing enhancer functions (which are higher order components) to enhance your pure functional components with local states and effects. Your functional component is kept pure, but recompose suffers the HOC wrapper hell.
Hookompose allows you to call hook functions in a recompose style, giving you the best of both worlds.
This is how you use the hook function useState and useEffect:
const App = () => {
const [name, setName] = useState('Mary');
const [surname, setSurname] = useState('Poppins');
useEffect(() => { document.title = name + ' ' + surname; });
return (
Name: <input value={name} onChange={e => setName(} />
Surname: <input value={surname} onChange={e => setSurname(} />
export default App;
This is how you use the hookompose function withState and withEffect:
import { compose, withState, withEffect } from 'hookompose';
const App = ({ name, setName, surname, setSurname }) =>
Name: <input value={name} onChange={e => setName(} />
Surname: <input value={surname} onChange={e => setSurname(} />
export default compose(
withState('name', 'Mary'),
withState('surname', 'Poppins'),
withEffect(p => document.title = + ' ' + p.surname)
The App component is now a stateless, pure presentational component, local states become props. This is exactly the same style as recompose, but using hooks, thus no wrapper hell.
The withState, withEffect are just wrapper functions of the corresponding hook functions (useState, useEffect). They call the corresponding hook functions and return the result as an object containing new props. The compose function is a HOC, it takes the props of the presentational component, run it through all the enhancer functions and return a new component with the enhanced props.
Hookompose provides a list of wrapper functions, one for each hook function, but you can use any function (which takes the current props as input and return an object containing new props) as an enhancer.
The order of the enhancer functions are important, the new props just added are available to the next enhancer function.
This post gives a detailed explanation on the implementation of the compose and enhancer functions.
withState takes two arguments, state name (required) and initial value. It calls useState and returns the name/setName pair as object. To simplify the argument list, the name of the setter is automatically generated.
withState('surname', 'Poppins') // returns { surname: ..., setSurname: ... }
withEffect takes four arguments, the effect function (required), the cleanup function, the dependency list and a boolean value useLayout indicating whether to use useLayoutEffect or useEffect.
Both the effect function and the cleanup function takes the current props as input.
The dependency list is a list of prop names that the effect depends on, the effect function and the cleanup function will be executed when any of the values in the dependency list changes. If not provided, all props of the effect function will be in the dependency list. If an empty array is provided, the effect will only happen after mounting, and cleanup will only happen after unmounting.
withEffect(p => document.title = + ' ' + p.surname) // document.title will be set on every render
withEffect(p => document.title = + ' ' + p.surname, null, ['surname']) // document.title will be set only if surname changes
withEffect(p => document.title = + ' ' + p.surname, null, p => [, p.surname]) // The dependency list can also be specified as a callback function
withLayoutEffect(effect, cleanup, deps)
is the same as
withEffect(effect, cleanup, deps, true)
Which will call useLayoutEffect instead of useEffect.
When you use the effect hook to attach event handlers to elements, you always have to clean up and remove the event handler. withEventHandler is a helper function that will help you remove the event handler.
withEventHandler takes four arguments, the CSS selector (required) which is used to identify the elements, the event name (required), the handler (required) which takes the props (the event args object will be added to the props as 'event') as input and the dependency list.
withEventHandler('#btn2', 'click', p => p.setCount(p.count + 1))
Based on the design of hooks, this will remove and re-attach the handler on every render. If you want to improve performance and remove the handler only on unmounting, specify an empty dependency list. This will attach the handler on mounting and remove it on unmounting. However, if your handler is using any state from the props, be aware of the stale state/prop issue. If you do the following:
withEventHandler('#btn2', 'click', p => p.setCount(p.count + 1), [])
The p.count will not be changed after the first render. This is because of the way how javascript closure works. For more information, please refer to hooks documentation.
There are 3 ways to solve the problem:
- add p.count to the dependency list:
withEventHandler('#btn2', 'click', p => p.setCount(p.count + 1), ['count'])
- for local state, use the callback form of the setter:
withEventHandler('#btn2', 'click', p => p.setCount(count => count + 1), [])
- use the useReducer hook. See withReducer.
withWindowEventHandler allows you to attach event handlers on the window object.
withWindowEventHandler('resize', p => p.setWidth(window.innerWidth), [])
In this example, using the empty dependency list is safe because the event handler is not using any state from the props (it uses setWidth from the props, but it's a static function, it never changes).
withInterval will call the useEffect hook to setInterval and clearInterval.
withInterval(p => p.setCount(c => c + 1), 1000, [])
withMemo will call the useMemo hook to remember the result of the enhancer, only re-calculate the result if dependency list changes.
withState('name', 'Mary'),
withState('surname', 'Poppins'),
withMemo(p => ({
fullName: + ' ' + p.surname
}), ['name', 'surname'])
It serves the same purpose as withPropsOnChange from recompose. You can also use it to achieve the same result as the useCallback hook (see examples under 'withRef' and 'withReducer').
withRef will call useRef to create a ref to a mutable object (usually an UI element), and attach the ref to the props.
const App = ({ inputEl, focusInputEl }) =>
<input ref={inputEl} type="text" />
<button onClick={focusInputEl}>Focus the input</button>
export default compose(
withMemo(p => ({
focusInputEl: () => p.inputEl.current.focus()
}), []),
withContext will call the useContext hook to enhance the props with the context value. The 2nd argument is the name of the context variable on the props, default value is "context".
// in myContext.js
export const MyContext = createContext();
// in contextProvider.js
<MyContext.Provider value={{ n1: 8, n2: 9 }}>
<ContextConsumer />
// in contextConsumer.js
const ContextConsumer = ({ ctx }) =>
<div>Context Value: {ctx.n2}</div>;
export default compose(
withContext(MyContext, 'ctx')
withReducer will call the useReducer hook to handle complex local states. For use cases of useReducer, please refer to the hooks documentation. The 2nd argument of withReducer is the initial state, the 3rd is the name of the state (default value is 'state'), and the 4th is the name of the dispatch function (default value is 'dispatch').
// in myReducer.js
export default (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'increment':
return {count: state.count + 1};
case 'decrement':
return {count: state.count - 1};
throw new Error();
// in App.js
const App = ({ state, inc, dec }) =>
<div>Count: {state.count}</div>
<button onClick={inc}>+</button>
<button onClick={dec}>-</button>
export default compose(
withReducer(myReducer, { count: 0 }),
withMemo(p => ({
inc: () => p.dispatch({ type: 'increment' }),
dec: () => p.dispatch({ type: 'decrement' })
}), [])
Similar to the purpose of custom hooks, you can combine enhancers to re-use them as a unit.
const withWidth = [
withState('width', window.innerWidth),
withWindowEventHandler('resize', p => p.setWidth(window.innerWidth), [])
export default compose(
withState('name', 'Mary'),
Since an enhancer is just a function which takes the current props and returns additional props, if you already have a custom hook or any other function with effect, you just need to create a wrapper function that returns the result as additional props.
const useFullName = () => {
const [name, setName] = useState('Mary');
const [surname, setSurname] = useState('Poppins');
return useMemo(() => name + ' ' + surname, [name, surname]);
export default compose(
p => ({ fullName: useFullName() })