Moved to
This addon for Storybook adds a tab that displays the compiled HTML for each story. It uses highlight.js for syntax highlighting.
With NPM:
npm i --save-dev @whitespace/storybook-addon-html
With Yarn:
yarn add -D @whitespace/storybook-addon-html
// .storybook/main.js
module.exports = {
// ...
addons: [
// ...
The HTML is formatted with Prettier. You can override the Prettier config
(except parser
and plugins
) by providing an object following the
Prettier API override format in the
// .storybook/preview.js
export const parameters = {
// ...
html: {
prettier: {
tabWidth: 4,
useTabs: false,
htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: 'strict',
You can override the showLineNumbers
and wrapLines
settings for the syntax
highlighter by using the highlighter
export const parameters = {
html: {
highlighter: {
showLineNumbers: true, // default: false
wrapLines: false, // default: true
You can add a decorator to wrap the story:
export const parameters = {
html: {
decorator: (Story, context) => (
<Story {...context}>
As of version 4.0.0 all frameworks are supported per default 🎉