Releases: lmb-embrapa/machado
machado 0.5.0
Release Notes
- data loading: refactoring -> now the system allows features to have the same id within different organisms
- data loading: creates a function to retrieve cvterm by name or synonym
- general: adds new sample files for some commands
- general: adds new tests
- ontologies: the term 'contained in' from sequence ontology is now obsolete in favor of 'located in'
machado 0.4.0
Release Notes
- API: retrieves API examples from the file
- feature page: includes a single fixed submit button
- feature page: loads expression data from the API and renders in a dynamic table
- JBrowse: adds SNV tracks and addition description to features
- search index: allows to find features based on overlapping features uniquename
- search index: adds feature name and dbxrefs to the index
- data loading: defines the valid_types in the settings file
- data loading: refactoring -> creates a class to handle feature attributes
- data loading: update regex to handle uncommon dbxrefs like Gene3D:G3DSA:3.30.920.10
- data loading: updates to handle multiple feature annotation attributes
- data loading: adds the option DOI to the load_feature_annotation command
- general: updates retrieve_feature_id to identify soterm-accession
- general: distinguish infraspecific name throughout the code
- general: performance improvements
- API: fixes drf-yasg securityDefinition
What's Changed
- retrieves API examples from the file by @azneto in #290
- fixes drf-yasg securityDefinition by @azneto in #291
- species name in italics by @azneto in #293
- upgrades to django 3.1.7 and updates the docs by @azneto in #295
- includes a single fixed submit button in replacement for several appl… by @azneto in #296
- includes a single fixed submit button in replacement for several appl… by @azneto in #297
- defines the valid_types in the settings file and by @azneto in #298
- adds accession to jbrowse tracks and includes, feature.uniquename, and overlapping_features.uniquename to the text search by @azneto in #299
- Bump django from 3.1.7 to 3.1.8 by @dependabot in #302
- feature.js publication corrections by @mmudado in #304
- search_indexes: performance tweak and error handling by @azneto in #305
- creates a class feature_attribute and configures it to handle QTLDB.gff files. by @azneto in #307
- implemented get_or_create for assay_prop by @mmudado in #306
- exclude feature annotation of overlapping features of the same type by @azneto in #308
- handles the DOI attribute by @azneto in #309
- fix == None by @azneto in #310
- modify search to run partial searches rather than starts_with searches by @azneto in #311
- updates retrieve_feature_id to ignore case by @azneto in #313
- adds dbxrefs to the elasticsearch index by @azneto in #314
- updates index to ignore case and the prefix of dbxrefs by @azneto in #315
- updates searches to Raw by @azneto in #316
- feature page: loads expression data from the API and renders in a dynamic table by @azneto in #317
- Indexing improvement by @njbooher in #318
- updates to handle CNV by @azneto in #319
- Call init properly by @njbooher in #320
- updates the Django version and changes the operator to ~= in order to allow compatible versions by @azneto in #322
- Infraspecific name by @njbooher in #323
- minor fixes to display empty rather than None by @azneto in #324
- Handle weird xrefs during loading by @njbooher in #327
- Upgrade django to 3.2 by @njbooher in #329
- configures API endpoints to cache results, updates dependencies versions, and updates travis for ubuntu focal by @azneto in #332
- Bump django from 3.2.10 to 3.2.12 by @dependabot in #334
- Allows to add DOI to feature_properties and make DOI searcheable by elasticsearch by @azneto in #336
- minor changes to improve sonarcloud score by @azneto in #337
- minor changes to improve sonarcloud score by @azneto in #338
- Bump django from 3.2.12 to 3.2.13 by @dependabot in #339
- updates django and includes django-haystack to the dependencies by @azneto in #340
- updates docs to use elasticsearch 7 by @azneto in #341
- Update to django 3.2.14 by @njbooher in #342
- new tests for travis CI by @azneto in #343
- Speed up JBrowse RefSeqs endpoint by @njbooher in #346
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...0.4.0
machado v0.3.0
Release Notes
New features
- API: the API was updated to run OpenAPI rather than coreAPI
- API: the API documentation was created using Swagger
- API: new endpoints to retrieve feature information
- feature.html: most cards are now getting the information from the API
- the new variable MACHADO_JBROWSE_TRACKS allows to set the jbrowse tracks
- feature.html: dbxrefs were included
- feature.html: links to NCBI proteins were included
- export TSV: organism info was included
- tests: flake8 was included to perform static code analysis
- tests: ubuntu focal and python 3.8 were included
- load_gff: fixes store_relationship call
- load _gff: handles SignalP results from InterproScan analyses
- load_coexpression_clusters: fixes function to use retrieve_feature_id
- load_orthomcl: fixes function to use retrieve_feature_id
- search_result.html: formats species using italic
machado v0.2.1
Release Notes:
Optimization of the search results page by avoiding hitting the database
Implementation the organism column, column sorting functionality, and changing the number of records functionality in the search results page
Implementation of APIs for sequences, orthologs, and publications
Optimization of the feature page by loading some cards dinamicaly from APIs
Optimization of the load_gff command by loading relationships using multithreads
Dependencies upgraded to newer versions
machado v0.2.0
Release Notes:
Optimization of the search results page by avoiding hitting the database
Implementation the organism column, column sorting functionality, and changing the number of records functionality in the search results page
Implementation of APIs for sequences, orthologs, and publications
Optimization of the feature page by loading some cards dinamicaly from APIs
Optimization of the load_gff command by loading relationships using multithreads
Dependencies upgraded to newer versions