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This is the Genome explicit Metacommunity Model, an individual-based model for eco-evolutionary experiments.
This README covers installation and basic usage of the software. For a detailed
documentation of the biological side of the model, read
. For a full
documentation of the software, see docs/index.html
The model has successfully been tested on various Linux machines (64 bit), running Arch Linux and Ubuntu with kernel versions between 4.15.0 and 5.3.7.
You need to have git
and julia
(>=1.5) installed (, including packages Distributions
(v"0.16.4"), and ArgParse
Newer versions should work as well.
Download and extract julia from Enter the created directory and run
to launch the REPL.
Press ]
to enter the Pkg REPL and run
add Distributions
add ArgParse
Press backspace or ^C to get back to the Julia REPL (
Download GeMM by running
git clone
Enter the directory and run
julia rungemm.jl
to test if it works.
To design your own experiments, you need to provide a map and a configuration file.
(See the folders in examples/
for our previous work.)
The map file contains the information to define a simulation arena. A single integer value at the top sets the number of years the arena should run for. Each subsequent whitespace separated line defines one grid cell in the arena. The first three integer values represent ID, x-location and y-location respectively. Additional fields can be used to further characterize grid cell. Options and their value types are
These set the temperature and precipition values in the grid cell, and define whether the cell is an island, can be invaded by alien species and whether the grid cell should receive a community at simulation initialisation.
Example map file:
3 # Timesteps
# Simulation arena:
# <id> <x> <y> <temperature> <precipitation> [parameters]
1 1 1 temp=293 prec=12 initpop
2 2 1 temp=293 prec=59 initpop
3 3 1 temp=293 prec=89 initpop
4 4 1 temp=293 prec=91 initpop
5 5 1 temp=293 prec=58 initpop
6 6 1 temp=293 prec=57 initpop
7 7 1 temp=293 prec=63 initpop
8 8 1 temp=293 prec=44 initpop
9 9 1 temp=293 prec=28 initpop
An experiment can pass through a series of map files to e.g. simulate environmental change or geomorphological dynamics.
The configuration contains all custom parameters values that may be tweaked to fit one's experimental setup.
Paramaters are defined in a whitespace separated, key-value fashion: <key> <value>
See src/defaults.jl
for a list of all available parameters and a brief description.
All parameters not set by the user will revert to the values defined in this list of defaults.
At the least, any configuration file should contain a line to define the map file(s):
maps <mapfile[,mapfile2,...]>
For passing more than one map file, separate file names with commas and no white space, e.g.,
Example config file:
# Sample configuration file for GeMM
# Note: this does not include all settings!
# For a complete parameter list, see `src/defaults.jl`
# input/output settings
seed 0 #random seed
dest results/sample
outfreq 1
logging true
debug true
stats true
lineages true
fasta off
raw false
# general model parameters
linkage none
nniches 2
static false
mutate true
usebiggenes false
compressgenes true
indsize adult
popsize metabolic
maxbreadth 5.0
capgrowth true
To run a single experiment, execute:
./rungemm.jl -c <CONFIG>
Other commandline arguments are:
usage: rungemm.jl [-s SEED] [-m MAPS] [-c CONFIG] [-d DEST] [--debug]
[--quiet] [-h]
optional arguments:
-s, --seed SEED inital random seed (type: Int64)
-m, --maps MAPS list of map files, comma separated
-c, --config CONFIG name of the config file
-d, --dest DEST output directory. Defaults to current date
--debug debug mode. Turns on output of debug
--quiet quiet mode. Don't print output to screen.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
There's a separate script to run several replicates of a given experiment in parallel. This is used as follows:
julia -p <NPROCS> rungemmparallel.jl -s <SEED> -n <NREPS> -c <CONFIG>
where <NPROCS>
= number of cores, <SEED>
= integer value to set a random seed, <NREPS>
= number of replicates and
the configuration file.
To run an example experiment in a landscape with two environmental gradients to test the effect of temporal environmental variation, run
julia -p 40 rungemmparallel.jl -s 1 -n 20 -c examples/gradient/sg,examples/gradient/sgv
This executes 40 parallel simulations, 20 for each of the scenarios defined in the configuration files (examples/gradient/sg
and examples/gradient/sgv
Each of the simulations creates its own output directory of the format date-configfilename-replicate.
These folders configuration files with the exact configuration the respective simulation was run on (*.conf
the definition of the simulation arena (
and a tab-separated table containing statistical summaries on the characteristics of all populations through time (stats_s*.tsv
Optionally, the model outputs several log files (diversity.log
, lineages.log
, simulation.log
Depending on the machine (number of parellel processes, i.e., computing cores), the simulations can take up to several days to complete.