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Rails Engine

  • This is the base repo for the Rails Engine used for Turing's Backend Module 3.
  • This is the frontend repo: Rails Driver
  • This is our completed repo for Rails Engine
  • Navigate here to see the list of possible calls and to try them out!

About this Project

  • This application is an api which exposes data for merchants and their items. It makes use of advanced ActiveRecord quiries to return various different endpoints.
  • Rails Driver is the frontend of this project, which holds a spec harness to test call our api.
  • The project description is found here
  • The project requirements are found here


  • The api is hosted here
  • The frontend is hosted here




  • This project uses a rake task to seed the database from csv files: rake seed:csv

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running

Local Setup

  1. Clone Rails Engine

  2. Clone Rails Driver

  3. Install gem packages: bundle install

  4. Setup the database:

  • rails db:create
  • rails db:migrate
  • rake seed:csv (Run the rake task to import the data from each csv file into the database)

Running the local tests

  1. Be sure you already ran bundle install
  2. bundle exec rspec spec/requests/api/v1/merchants OR bundle exec rspec spec/requests/api/v1/items
  3. To run all tests at once simply run bundle exec rspec

Running the Spec Harness

  1. run the Rails Engine server with rails s
  2. In a new terminal window cd into Rails Driver and run bundle exec rspec spec/features/harness_spec.rb

Testing Tools

  • Factory Bot
  • Faker
  • RSpec
  • Shoulda-matchers
  • Simplecov
  • Capybara

Development Tools

  • figaro
  • faraday
  • json
  • fast_jsonapi
  • activerecord-reset-pk-sequence

Built With


Crud Endpoints


  1. get '/api/v1/items' responds with all items currently in the database
  2. get '/api/v1/items/:id' responds with one item based on it's id
  3. post 'api/v1/items' creates an item in the database
  4. put 'api/v1/items/:id' updates an item in the database based on it's id
  5. delete 'api/v1/items/:id' deletes an item in the database based on it's id


  1. get '/api/v1/merchants' responds with all merchants currently in the database
  2. get '/api/v1/merchants/:id' responds with one merchant based on it's id
  3. post 'api/v1/merchants' creates a merchant in the database
  4. put 'api/v1/merchants/:id' updates a merchant in the database based on it's id
  5. delete 'api/v1/merchants/:id' deletes a merchant in the database based on it's id

Relationship Endpoints


  1. get '/api/v1/items/:id/merchant' responds with the merchant that sells the item with that id


  1. get '/api/v1/merchants/:id/items' responds with a list of items sold by the merchant with that id

Search Endpoints


  1. get 'api/v1/item/find?:attribute=:value' responds with the item that has the same or similar :value for the specified :attribute
  2. get 'api/v1/item/find_all?:attribute=:value' responds with all items that have the same or similar :value for the specified :attribute
  • :attributes - name, description, unit_price, merchant_id


  1. get 'api/v1/merchants/find?name=Als+Toy+Barn' responds with the merchant that has the same or similar :value for the specified :attribute
  2. get 'api/v1/merchants/find_all?name=barn' responds with all merchants that have the same or similar :value for the specified :attribute
  • :attributes - name

Business Endpoints


  1. get 'api/v1/merchants/most_revenue?quantity=2' responds with a list of quantity size based on the merchants with the most revenue
  2. get 'api/v1/merchants/most_items?quantity=2' responds with a list of quantity size based on the merchants with the most items succsessfully sold
  3. get 'api/v1/revenue?start=2020-10-20&end=2020-10-23' responds with the total revenue earned by all merchants within the dates specified
  4. get 'api/v1/merchants/:id/revenue' responds with the total revenue of one merchant based on the id


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