Our project - ARC System - is an android application that will be used as a clicker System to get a survey-type information designed as a bargraph that represents the numbers, each answer of a multiple question was selected by audience ex: students.
Now, any client connected to the server that runs on a computer can ask a question and other clients will be able to answer. The client who asked the question can get the bargraph at the end.
Asadov Kanan: Android java code + core GUI + partly networking.
Hammad Ali Baig: Model Core classes.
Hajiyev Imran: XML's + GUI + partly networking.
Muradov Bayram: Android java code + core GUI + Github library search.
Orujaliyev Ali: XML's + GUI + partly networking.
The application coding process used:
Drjava version drjava-20140826-r5761 Android Studio v2.1 Github library for the graphing. // see comments Background images taken from google.
1- Running the server: using command prompt or an IDE, run the class named "Server" in the Model Core Classes.