A simple command line tool written in Python to convert TeX equations to SVG. Input can be read from stdin
, provided directly as command line argument, or read from a file.
pip install pytex2svg
usage: pytex2svg [-h] [-o OUTFILE] [-v] [input]
converts a TeX string to an SVG file
positional arguments:
input The TeX equation or file to be converted to svg,
defaults to stdin
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
Path or name of the output file, defaults to
"equation.svg". If more than one equation is provided,
the output files are numbered.
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
# from stdin
echo "\log_{2}10 \approx 3.322" | pytex2svg -o whybinary.svg
# as command line argument
pytex2svg "\log_{2}10 \approx 3.322" -o whybinary.svg
# from a file
pytex2svg examples/integral.tex -o whybinary.svg