Under Review Arxiv
This repo contains the code of our paper submitted, which is an extension version of our work "Efficient Biomedical Instance Segmentation via Knowledge Distillation" published in MICCAI-22.
This code was implemented with Pytorch 1.0.1 (later versions may work), CUDA 9.0, Python 3.7.4.
If you have a Docker environment, we strongly recommend you to pull our image as follows:
docker pull registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/em_seg/v54_higra
python trainKD_Celegans.py -c=Celegans_ResUNet_MobileNetV2
python trainKD_EM.py -c=AC34_MALA_MALA-tiny
python inference_Celegans.py -mn=ResUNet_MobileNetV2_KD
python inference_EM.py -mn=MALA-tiny_KD
The related pretrained models are available, please refer to the testing command for evaluation.
If you have any problem with the released code, please contact me by email ([email protected]).