This repository contains an API that returns a JSON object of the nearest food trucks in San Francisco based on the input latitude and longitude.
- base: "/${dev}/api/"
- paths:
- /closest
- get:
- consumes: "application/json"
- parameters:
- in: "queryString"
- name: "lat" -description: "The latitude coordinate where the user is located."
- name: "lon"
- description: "The longitude coordinate where the user is located."
- name: "numTrucks"
- description: "The number of clostes trucks to return (defaults to 5 if not present)."
- in: "queryString"
- responses:
- ouput: json
- description: JSON array containing Distance, Applicant, Location Description, Latitude, Longitude, locationId -return codes:
- "200":
- description: "Success"
- "500":
- description: "Query string is invalid. For example, the Latitude or Longitude does not exist in input parameter, is not numeric, or does not exist."
- "403":
- description: "Forbidden"
- ouput: json
- security:
- none (todo)
- get:
- /closest
- Python 3.X
- run install -r requirements.txt to import Flask, Flask-Caching and JSON
- you must have, and python code deployed
- is the flask api endpoint
- reads the data and performs the logic to determine the file closest trucks
- has the calculation to determine the distance between 2 coordinates
- SanFranciscoFoodTrucks.json data must be in the directory, this includes the food trucks in San Franciso