This module is written to allow for effortless interface between your python scripts and FUSE's explorer API.
Wrappers are provided for all of the current API modules:
• Account
• Logs
• Token
• Stats
• Block
• Contract
• Transaction
A full list of the API functions and there uses can be found on the fuse explore docs here:
This module is on pypi to install simpily run the command:
pip install Fuse-Explorer-API
There is currently some issues with a few of ther APIs, the Fuse team are aware of this and are currently looking into it.
"Fuse is a new way to launch services and reach customers on the blockchain. It allows entrepreneurs to integrate everyday payments into their business. It reduces the cost to launch and operate micro-finance services which are non-custodial and leverage from the shared business processes blockchains provide. Fuse goal is to lower the bar for entrepreneurs to build products so they spend less money on IT and focus more on reaching clients and sustainability."
Fuse Webpage:
• Currently only the required parameters are used, will add the optional ones in due course.
• Not all of the api calls have been tested so let me know of any problems.
• C++ Wrapper of the explorer API is coming.
• Wrapper of the "FUSE studio" API will be starting soon -