A Kotlin Multiplatform UI Framework inspired by Solid.js.
- Small JS size
- Web Client and server-side rendering, Android, iOS, eventually desktop
- Pretty by default - ugliness should take effort
- Simple Routing
- Easy to extend into native components on the platform
- Make loading and issue handling pretty without manual work
- Base navigation around URLs to be very compatible with web
- Use themes for styling; avoid direct styling.
- Derive theme variants from existing themes. Make theme variants semantically based.
- Don't use kotlinx.coroutines, it's too big - include a custom, simpler, and more limited implementation
- Don't use a KMP network client, they're all too big - include a custom, simpler, and more limited implementation
Early in development. Web is basically usable at this point, but everything is subject to change.
- Some kind of simple validation system
- Server-side rendering
You can look at the example project we're hosting to get an idea of what you can do.
Click the magnifying glass in the app to see the source!
If you want to try another theme, start here, change the theme, then go to the "Sample Log In" sreen.
object SampleLogInScreen : RockScreen {
override fun ViewContext.render() {
val email = Property("")
val password = Property("")
stack {
image {
source = ImageRemote("https://picsum.photos/seed/login/1080/1920")
scaleType = ImageMode.Crop
alpha = 0.5
} in bordering
col {
space {} in weight(1f)
col {
h1 { content = "My App" }
label {
content = "Email"
textField {
keyboardHints = KeyboardHints.email
content bind email
label {
content = "Password"
textField {
keyboardHints = KeyboardHints.password
content bind password
button {
h6 { content = "Log In" }
onClick {
launch {
} in important
} in card in sizedBox(SizeConstraints(maxWidth = 50.rem))
space {} in weight(1f)
} in scrolls in withPadding
} in bordering