- Support Pic preview/drop-select/max-size
- Two themes
Just like a <input type="file"/>
Vue 2.0+
// develop
npm start
// build
npm run build
npm install vue-img-inputer -D
- As global component
// in entry file
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueImgInputer from 'vue-img-inputer'
Vue.component('VueImgInputer', VueImgInputer)
- As partial component
// in some component
import VueImgInputer from 'vue-img-inputer'
export default {
components: {
<VueImgInputer v-model="picValue" theme="light" size="large"></VueImgInputer>
Name | Type | Description | Optional value | Default |
v-model | — | the file was selected | — | — |
accept | String | the same as accept in input ,suggest to set a specific value like image/jpg,image/gif; , value as image/* will cause a problem that File-checkbox come out after a long time |
— | image/*,video/*; |
onChange | Function | callback trigger after file selected,params: {file, fileName} | — | — |
placeholder | String | placeholder | — | 点击或拖拽选择图片 |
maxSize | Number | max-size of pic (KB) | — | 5120 |
imgSrc | String | use VueImgInputer as img tag, you should assign a src of img :) |
— | — |
id | String | input's unique ID,assign it when you need to operate DOM, otherwise it will automatic generate a random string in 4 length to be it's ID | — | random string in 4 length |
theme | String | theme | light,material | material |
size | String | size | small,large | normal |
icon | String | icon | img,clip,img2 | clip,when theme is light, default is img |
readonly | Boolean | readonly,it will be true while imgSrc was not empty |
— | false |
bottomText | String | text in the bottom while select a pic && hover component | — | 点击或拖拽图片以修改 |
readonlyTipText | String | only when readonly was true was effective,replace bottomText |
— | 不可更改 |
customerIcon | like  |
if you use iconfont of alibaba,Congratulations! you can use this prop set any value to replace component's own icon | — | — |
noMask | Boolean | remove info mask while hover | — | false |
nhe | Boolean | no-hover-effect | — | false |
name | String | name of input, the same as name in input |
- | file |
PC: IE10 +
Mobile: be happy to use