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lickx edited this page Oct 11, 2024 · 18 revisions

Changes as compared to upstream OpenSim

It is wise to not use these new features in scripts that are going to be run while abroad on the hypergrid, ie. in attachments. Other sims may run other versions of OpenSim that do not have these features, resulting in the script not being able to compile or run at all.


Caution: For portability with upstream, you are better to use the actual value of the constant in your script, not its name.


  • "region_rating" -> Returns region maturity rating, without having to use the dataserver (on par with SL)
  • "grid" -> Returns grid name (on par with SL)
  • "mailname" -> Returns hostname part for e-mail addres of inworld objects (new)
  • "objectmail_hostname -> alias of "mailname" (deprecated)
  • The local parameter is respected (on par with SL)

Caution: For portability with upstream, when wanting to use local=TRUE (which is only available in lickx), multiply the vector with llGetRot(), and set local to FALSE. For example: llApplyImpulse((myvector*llGetRot()), FALSE);

  • Now takes into account resp. parcel environment and region environment (on par with SL)

string lxGetAgentViewer(key aviKey) (new)

  • Returns the viewer used by agent aviKey