This package can be used for uploading Images via a FormControlField.
The value of the field will be the Image DataURL.
Install the package by command:
npm install @lgicc/ngx-image-file-input --save
yarn add @lgicc/ngx-image-file-input
Import the module
import { NgxImageFileInputModule } from "@lgicc/ngx-image-file-input";
imports: [
declarations: [...],
providers: [...]
export class AppModule {}
<!-- example to use your own image icon if no image is set -->
<img src="">
<!-- customize the alt Tag of the uploaded Image -->
<ngx-image-file-input [alt]="My Image is cool"></ngx-image-file-input>
<!-- You can use all FormControl features -->
<ngx-image-file-input [formControl]="myControl"></ngx-image-file-input>
<!-- OR -->
<form [formGroup]="myFormGroup">
<ngx-image-file-input formControlName="myFormControlName"></ngx-image-file-input>
By default you dont have a theme, so you just have the code infrastructure to use.
However this package also includes a predefined Design if you want to use it.
Just include the file like so:
@import "~@lgicc/ngx-image-file-input/styles/theme.css";
Available options:
- Text alignment in input. (default:''
MIT @ Daniel Amzovski