A silly git repo inspector
- [ X ] Proof of concept
- Multiple output formats
- Works on reasonably sized repos (concurrency)
- Stores previous runs
The intent is that this can be run against any repo and it will search the index for
file blobs containing the patterns defined in a patterns.txt
file or a regular expression
specified on the command line.
Clone this repository somewhere you can execute Python code.
From the cloned Clouseau project root, set up a virtualenv:
virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute venv # creates the virtualenv named "venv" source venv/bin/activate # activates (places you in) the virtualenv
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Tell Python to also look in this directory for libraries.
And that's it! Now follow the usage instructions below.
$ bin/clouseau --url [repo-url]
; e.g., $ bin/clouseau --url https://github.com/virtix/cato.git
Search the current revision using the default pattern file (clouseau/patterns/default.txt):
$ clouseau -u https://github.com/virtix/cato.git
Search using a single regular expression:
$ bin/couseau --url https://github.com/virtix/cato.git --term "Your Name"
Search the entire history for a single term (quite slow and needs threading or multi-process work):
$ bin/couseau --url https://github.com/virtix/cato.git --term "Your Name" --revlist all
Search the current revision using a different pattern file:
$ clouseau -u https://github.com/virtix/cato.git --patterns ~/projects/patterns/profanity.txt
Search the current revision using multiple pattern files:
$ clouseau -u https://github.com/virtix/cato.git --patterns ~/projects/patterns/profanity.txt,~/projects/patterns/custom_pattern.txt
Skip either cloning or pulling and just scan:
$ clouseau -u https://github.com/virtix/cato.git --skip
Search the specific revision :
$ clouseau -u https://github.com/virtix/cato.git --revlist 5c0b30b007
Search between the range onf two commits:
$ clouseau -u https://gituhub.com/virtix/cato.git --revlist d46868fe...3ea013e8
Search since a given date:
$ clouseau -u https://github.com/virtix/cato.git --after 03/10/13
$ clouseau -u https://github.com/virtix/cato.git --author bill
It should look something like this:
$ bin/clouseau -h
usage: clouseau [-h] [-v] --url URL [--term TERM] [--patterns PATTERNS]
[--clean] [--output OUTPUT_FORMAT]
[--output-destination OUTPUT_DESTINATION] [--dest DEST]
[--pathspec PATHSPEC]
Clouseau: A silly git inspector
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--url URL, -u URL Fully qualified git URL (http://www.kernel.org/pub//software/scm/git/docs/git-clone.html)
--term TERM, -t TERM Search for a single regular expression instead of every term in patterns.txt
--patterns PATTERNS, -p PATTERNS
Path to list of regular expressions to use.
--clean, -c Delete the existing git repo and re-clone
Output formats: console, markdown, raw, html, json
Location where the output is to be stored. Default ./temp.
--dest DEST, -d DEST The directory where the git repo is stored. Default: ./temp (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
--revlist REVLIST, -rl REVLIST
A space-delimted list of revisions (commits) to search.
Defaults to HEAD. Specify 'all' to search the entire history.
--before BEFORE, -b BEFORE
Search commits that occur prior to this date; e.g., Mar-08-2013
--after AFTER, -a AFTER
Search commits that occur after this date; e.g., Mar-10-2013
--author AUTHOR Perform searched for commits made by AUTHOR; e.g., an email address or name.
--skip SKIP If specified, skips any calls to git-clone or git-pull.
### Minimal Output
For continuous integration environments, minimal output may be desirable. In that case, use `bin/clouseau_thin`:
`$ bin/clouseau_thin -u [git_url] ...`
`clouseau_thin` supports all clouseau options and differs only in the verbosity and attractiveness of its output.