The idea is to ultimately build a web forum with proper separation of concerns between the client and server. The initial implementation uses a client written in Javascript and a server in Ruby, but any conceivable combination should be possible (a native client for Android and iOS would seem the next logical step). The two talk using a pseudo-RESTful API (pseudo, because it uses JSON instead of XML).
When viewing a thread, two panes are displayed in the browser. The top pane is the thread map and the bottom pane is the messages.
The server is written in Ruby using Sinatra, with a CouchDB database.
The thread map is drawn using the cross-browser Raphael library, so it should work in IE as well (it did last time I tested it).
Pre-requisites: Ruby, CouchDB, Bundler (optional, but it makes life easier)
Start CouchDB.
git clone git://
cd converse
ruby converse.rb
Or use Heroku with the Cloudant Oxygen add-on.