This project is a finalist in Stanford's CS109 Introduction to Probability for Computer Scientists Project Competition.
Heart Beat is a data visualization, sonification, and analysis of infant mortality rates throughout time. I created this interactive and educational webpage as a way to spark conversation on such an age old topic.
Inspiration: My nephew Joshua has had many health complications since birth. The first time I went to the emergency room with him I was overwhelmed by the experience. I wanted to create a project that allowed users to experience through sound the urgency of infant healthcare.
Project Video Link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyOGNHCD65A
When you visit the webpage you can first get examine the current state of infant mortality rates worldwide.
Next, I allow the user to listen to a sonic representation of infant mortality rate over time, where the higher the worldwide infant mortality rate the faster the heartbeat. The results are chilling!
The meat of the project comes next when you can condition on any specific year or metric (currently only supporting GDP and CO2 emissions) to get frequencies of this condition in a 3D representation.
Finally we use maximum likelihood estimation to predict the best random variable distribution that best models the data we have conditioned on.