This README file contains my favorite web content and resources that I have personally been using or have used before. There are other highly recommended and — apparently — great resources available, however I haven't checked them out yet. You can find those resources in the WANT-TO-TRY file.
Some of the resources listed here may fit into more than one category, using Ctrl + F or Cmd + F can make it easier for you to find what you're looking for.
- General purpose
- Learn English
- Tech in general
- Science in general
- Computer Science
- Programming
- Git and GitHub
- Digital Privacy
- Math
- Engineering
- Psychology and Neuroscience
- Philosophy
- Biology
- Art
Highly Educational - tutorials, courses, etc
- Socratica
- Crash Course
- MIT OpenCourseWare
- MIT OpenCourseWare - Youtube
- Open Source Society University (OSSU)
- Types of documentation - Documentation System
- YouTube Channels & Other Resources - GitHub
- YouTube Channels & Other Resources - Reddit
- Curated Lists
- Awesome list
- Awesome Certificates
- Free Certifications
- Free Monthly Learning Resources
Entertainement and Educational - Youtube Channels
Highly Educational - tutorials, courses, etc
Entertainement and Educational - Youtube Channels
- Tip: watch the same content you do in your language, but with english videos
- All entertainement youtube Channels listed on this repository
- Learn English with Papa Teach Me
Highly Educational - tutorials, courses, etc
Entertainement and Educational - Youtube Channels
Entertainement and Educational - Youtube Channels
Highly Educational - tutorials, courses, etc
- Open Source Society Universe (OSSU) - Computer Science
- In One Lesson - GitHub
- In One Lesson - Youtube
- Molly Rocket
- Ben Eater
- Exploring How Computers Work - Sebastian League
- ByteByteGo
- Low Level Learning
- NeetCode
- NeetCode - Youtube
- Computer Science Lessons
- Awesome Computer Science Courses
- Learn to Program
- Computer Science Interview Knowledge Map
Entertainement and Educational - Youtube Channels
Articles, blogs, blogposts, etc
Highly Educational - tutorials, courses, etc
Entertainement and Educational - Youtube Channels
Highly Educational - tutorials, courses, etc
- Entertainement and Educational - Youtube Channels
Highly Educational - tutorials, courses, etc
Highly Educational - tutorials, courses, etc
Entertainement and Educational - Youtube Channels
Entertainement and Educational - Youtube Channels
Entertainement and Educational - Youtube Channels
Highly Educational - tutorials, courses, etc
Entertainement and Educational - Youtube Channels
Highly Educational - tutorials, courses, etc
Entertainement and Educational - Youtube Channels
Entertainement and Educational - Youtube Channels
Entertainement and Educational - Youtube Channels
Entertainement - Youtube Channels
Entertainement - Youtube Channels