LM Wikipedia bot is a PHP class to create, edit and search articles on Wikipedia
Include wikibot class:
You just need a username and password for edit action. if you want to use search or get recent changes just set your local URL:
$bot = new lm_wiki_bot(['url'=>'https://fa.wikipedia.org']);
For add/edit or patrol you should do this:
$bot_config = [
'username'=>'account username',
'password'=>'account password'
$bot = new lm_wiki_bot($bot_config);
Perform a full text search
$results = $bot->search(['keyword'=>"something"]);
$results = $bot->search([
Name | Description | Values | Default |
namespace | Search only within these namespaces | Namespace numbers separate with | | 0 |
limit | How many total pages to return | The value must be between 1 and 500 | 10 |
offset | When more results are available, use this to continue | - | 0 |
sort | Set the sort order of returned results | create_timestamp_asc, create_timestamp_desc, incoming_links_asc, incoming_links_desc, just_match, last_edit_asc, last_edit_desc, none, random, relevance | relevance |
prefix | Perform a prefix search for page titles | true or false | false |
List all the recent changes to the wiki, in the same manner as Special:RecentChanges lists them
$results = $bot->recent();
$results = $bot->recent([
Name | Description | Values | Default |
namespace | Search only within these namespaces | Namespace numbers separate with | | 0 |
limit | How many total changes to return | The value must be between 1 and 500 | 10 |
user | Only list changes by this user | user name, IP or user ID (e.g. #12345) | null |
order | In which direction to enumerate | newer, older | older |
type | Show only items that meet these criteria. For example: minor edits done by logged-in users | !anon, !autopatrolled, !bot, !minor, !patrolled, !redirect, anon, autopatrolled, bot, minor, patrolled, redirect, unpatrolled - separate with | | null |
Get the original wikitext content of a page:
$result = $bot->content("Software bot");
Get parsed HTML content of a page:
$result = $bot->content("Software bot", "text");
Create and edit pages
Simple Edit/Create:
'title'=>'page title',
Advanced sample:
'summary'=>'Test Edit comment',
Name | Description | Values | Default |
title | Title of the page to edit. Cannot be used together with pageid | - | - |
pageid | Page ID of the page to edit. Cannot be used together with title | - | - |
summary | Edit summary | - | section title when section=new and sectiontitle is not set |
section | Section number. 0 for the top section, new for a new section | - | - |
sectiontitle | The title for a new section | - | - |
text | Page content | - | - |
appendtext | Add this text to the end of the page. Overrides text | Use section=new to append a new section, rather than this parameter | - |
prependtext | Add this text to the beginning of the page. Overrides text | - | - |
createonly | Don't edit the page if it exists already | true or false | false |
recreate | Override any errors about the page having been deleted in the meantime | true or false | false |
undo | Undo this revision. Overrides text, prependtext and appendtext | The value must be no less than 0 | - |
undoafter | Undo all revisions from undo to this one. If not set, just undo one revision | The value must be no less than 0 | - |
redirect | Automatically resolve redirects | true or false | false |