Hi there 👋
My name is Leonardo Galani, and this is my very own myspac... GITHUB PROFILE PAGE...
this brings me back some memories...
I realized that I did some stuff for the QA and DEV community that was
scattered around the internet.
Some of them are lost forever because I'm a bit lazy (that is why I
automate my tests), but some of them I recover and post on my medium account.
You might ask, "Why not just put your medium @leonardogalani link?".
Good point, but no. I want to follow the hype train.
Also, I wanted to consolidate all the articles and recorded talks that I did across the map and filter them by language.
- Best practices for test automation
- Men, we need to talk about women in engineering…
- Thoughts about Test Automation implementation.
- Code Review as a Test Strategy?
- Why you should not use cypress for API test
- AWS Lambda Integration Test — Easier than you might think.
- Attach your repository E2E tests into your deploy job pipeline
- I'm too shy to do speaks in english.
O básico que você precisa saber sobre MicroServices com Kafka.
Experiências sobre confiabilidade em suítes de teste de software.
Você tem medo de programar? Senta aqui que você não está sozinho.
Se você usa ‘IF’ no seu código de teste, então precisamos conversar.
- Agile Brazil => O que não é agile testing - [Sem gravação disponível no momento]
- AT Talks 2020 => Testando aplicações - Microsserviços + Kafka
- MTC 2020 => Boas práticas para automação de testes
- MTC 2016 => Tester, pegue suas coisas. Você está demitido.