Build the application: ./gradlew build
Test the application: ./gradlew test
(success, exit code: 0; error, exit code > 0)
The application requires access to a Postgres database.
The application can be run with command: java -jar ./build/libs/sample-project-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --database.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/public --database.username=user --database.password=password
You can also run the application by providing the follow environment variables instead of using the arguments:
The application can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/check-database. It will return a JSON payload. If the app can connect successfully to Postgres, it will return:
{"status":"OK","message":"Sample application is working with database"}
If the app cannot successfully connect to Postgres, it will return:
{"status":"KO","message":"Sample application is NOT working with database. Check logs.."}