This project is forked from:
I've added more options and feature for easy backup a chat:
- Search user id through user displayname
- Auto search for chat id
- Add the options for
- Skip download messages:
- Skip download images:
- Use Chat ID instead of user display name:
- Skip download messages:
- Add Darkmode for the final output. Adjust body to center.
This project retrieves a full chat history (messages and uploaded files) and renders it as an HTML.
Node.js 10 (or higher). Tested on macOS and Windows, but will most likely run on Linux too.
Like any other JS project, clone this repo and run the following command to install dependencies:
npm install
To backup a chat with friend's display name, run:
npm run start
To backup a chat with chat id (How to get chat id), run
npm run start usechatid
To skip download messages, run
npm run start skipmess
To skip download messages and images run
npm run start skipmess skipimg
Chat Id: - If you use usechatid
option, the program need chat id inorder to get the messages. Please login into MS Teams in Web browser: Chose a chat or group or even team (channel)
There will be something like that in the URL:<somee_id>@thread.v2?ctx=chat
will be your chat id
Your display name: - Your display name. Example: John. If there are similar name in the company, the sugesst list will appear, you just need to re-run the program again with the correct one.
Friend's display name: - Friend's display name. Name of the guys that you want to backup chat messages.
Auth token (JWT) - this is needed for calling Microsoft Graph APIs.
- Go to At the top right side, under User icon, click it to sign-in.
- After having logged in, on the right side (where you clicked for login), click on the User's Icon and then click
Consent to permissions
. EnableChat.Read
- In the Main Window, you will see multilples tab name like
Request body
,Request headers
, etc. Click on the tabAccess token
. Copy this value.
- Your name, when first inputed, will be cached, for later use. If you want to clear it. Please remove the folder:
- You Access Token (JWT): when first inputed, will be cached for later use
The exported folder (will be created in the teams-chat-backup\out\
directory in this project). And the name of sub folder is the name of your friend's displayname.
An exported chat contains:
: these are the pages of messages. Page 0000 is the most recent one (pages and messages within are in reverse order).image-#####
: these are images uploaded in the chatindex.html
: is the full history rendered into a simple HTML template, referring to the downloaded images. This is the file you want for viewing.
- Make an easier way of obtaining a token.
- Add support for bot messages (for example a form).