This is the documentation site for Travis CI! (
Fork the repository, read the rest of this README file and make some changes. Once you're done with your changes send a pull request. Thanks!
Make sure you have Ruby and RubyGems installed. Next install bundler:
gem install bundler
Then install dependencies:
bundle install --binstubs
In order to run a local Web server that will serve documentation site, first generate files:
erb -r json user/ | tee user/
then run Jekyll server:
./bin/jekyll serve
and then open localhost:4000 in your browser.
To regenerate the HTML pages automatically when you make changes to Markdown source files, use
./bin/jekyll serve --watch
Note that quoted entities may be escaped or unescaped depending on the Ruby version (1.8 vs. 1.9) used. It is normal.
Distributed under the MIT license; the same as other Travis CI projects.