A toolkit for creating metro-style WPF applications. Lots of goodness out-of-the box.
This framework is free and can be used for free, open source and commercial applications. It's tested and contributed by many people... So mainly hit the ⭐ button, that's all... thx :squirrel: (💵, 💶, 🍺 or some other gifts are also being accepted...).
- Documentation
- Releases and Release Notes
- Quick Start
- Icons (MahApps.Metro.IconPacks)
- Contributing to MahApps.Metro
- Building the MahApps.Metro solution
- Visual Studio Templates
- Wiki
If you're looking for a control or library which is MahApps compatible, check them out:
- MaterialDesignInXamlToolkit Google Material Design in XAML & WPF, for C# & VB.Net http://materialdesigninxaml.net
- MahApps.Metro.SimpleChildWindow A simple child window for MahApps.Metro
- Loading indicators by @100GPing100
- Dragablz Tearable tab control for WPF, which includes docking, tool windows and MDI. http://dragablz.net