Reprehensible does not use PKI like TLS. Reprehensible does not implement multiplexing. Reprehensible does not assume udp as the underlying transport. Reprehensible does not specify any handshake. Connections are semantically stateless like udp.
The name "reprehensible" was randomly selected.
Reprehensible does not provide forward secrecy.
Reprehensible does not protect against replay attacks.
Reprehensible does not deal with ip fragmentation.
Reprehensible does not protect against amplification attacks.
Reprehensible does not detect spoofed IPs. (IP is not in project scope)
- Reprehensible is small, simple, and arrow in scope.
- Aside from the stated goals, reprehnsible does not implement any feature, e.g. multiplexing, that can be implemented in a separate network layer.
- Example implementations should be provided for ommitted features.
- Provide end-to-end, authenticated encryption for unordered datagrams.