Setup scripts for configuring and managing a 7 days to die server on Google Compute Engine
Google gives you $300 of cloud compute resources to use for 1 year.
- Google account
- Billing enabled on cloud console
In order for the server to be visible in the server list, you will need to create a firewall rule in the networking section of the instance:
Field | Setting |
Name | gameconnection |
Description | Ports for 7d2d connection and server query |
Network | default |
Source filter | Allow from any source ( |
Allowed protocols and ports | tcp:26900-26901; udp:26900-26903 |
Start a SSH session throught the GCE interface
It is recommended that you install byobu so that if you get disconnected, it won't terminate your session.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install byobu
Note, you can detach byobu with F6 and get help with F1
The following packages are required:
- unzip
- lib32gcc1
- telnet
- netcat
- wget
- curl
In addition, the following is also recommended, but not required:
- bash-completion
- vmtouch - can be used to read save files into memory.
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install unzip lib32gcc1 telnet netcat bash-completion wget curl
Use the following to download the repository and extract
Change to the new folder
cd GCE-7days2die-master
The installer uses the settings found in ./config/7daystodie.conf The default base folder is /opt/7DaysToDie And the application is ran by a 'steam' user There shouldn't be a need to make changes to these settings, but you can modify them as needed.
Run the installer:
Note that you need to prefix it with bash since it is not executable. You could also make it executable, but it is not necessary
The installer will do the following:
- Create the role account
- Create the folder structure
- Copy the scripts to the folder structure
- Link the config file to /etc/7daystodie.conf
- Ensure the dependencies are installed
- Install steamcmd
- Use steamcmd to download the 7d2d server package
- Copy the default serverconfig.xml to the config folder and set the SaveGameFolder setting.
- Configure a systemd config file and enable the server to be autostarted.
It is recommended that you edit the server config file using:
nano /opt/7DaysToDie/config/serverconfig.xml
You can use the following commands to manage the server:
To manually start the server:
sudo systemctl start game-7daystodie
To manually stop the server:
sudo systemctl start game-7daystodie
To disable auto start on boot:
sudo systemctl disable game-7daystodie
To enable auto start on boot:
sudo systemctl enable game-7daystodie
To console into the server:
telnet localhost 8081