Attach below code to the top of your notebook.
# install conda
!pip install -q condacolab
import condacolab
!which conda
# install meep (python)
!conda install -c conda-forge pymeep
## Parallel Meep (MPI version)
!conda create -n pmp -c conda-forge pymeep=*=mpi_mpich_*
!conda activate pmp
# Install Additional Packages just in case
!pip install nlopt
Done. Enjoy !
# install appropriate version of conda
# after installing conda, you need to restart the terminal
conda install -c conda-forge pymeep
## Parallel Meep (MPI version)
conda create -n pmp -c conda-forge pymeep=*=mpi_mpich_*
conda activate pmp
I don't see many people using C++ MEEP these days, so I'm expecting they'll struggle with the more involved setup when compared to Python. I've set up a docker environment with all of the packages need to run C++ MEEP.
There is no need for extra installation; simply download the updated docker image from docker hub.
Link: Docker Image for Meep C++
The Meep Docs installation codes are fine but a bit complicated for beginners. Meep Docs
So, I shared the code because I want researchers who use Meep to be able to use it easily.